10-07-2005, 03:34 PM
Let me also contribute to already available information about CPA. There is something that some of you might find infomrative to know about. There are two things in CPA CPA certification and CPA license. In some states, the certificate is awarded as soon as someone passes the exams, but to get the license one needs to provide evidence of at least one year experience working under a CPA. Whereas in other states, the CPA certificate and license are awarded at the same time, means that one must fulful all the requirements in order to even get the certificate. So for those who don't want to work in public accounting rather intend to work in the industry in some other country other than USA, it would be better for them to take the exam in that state where certificate and license are given seperately. That way they just be needing to pay small annual fees to keep their certificate updated. Whereas in order to keep license updated, the requirements are tougher. One needs to continue taking several hours of education each year and pay a higher fees and then only license is updated.
There is one think I would like to know and appreciate if someone could help me that what is the scope of CPA in Pakistan if someone wants to work in the industry?
There is one think I would like to know and appreciate if someone could help me that what is the scope of CPA in Pakistan if someone wants to work in the industry?