03-21-2006, 08:39 PM
Asalam O Alaikum,
thanx for your response. i always remain worried about the Riba, (although as an accountant i have to face it in my routine)this is the only thing which i hate about this profession of accountancy. i want to research in the field of finance in the light of the teachings of Islam.
I am not in agreeement with you on that we dont have any other way around. i am firm beliver that Islam is a universal religion and it is a religion for all the times, and anything prohibited by the Islam must be practicably aviodable (may be the diffiulty level associated with the observance of teaching differs in various times, but still there must be some ways of practise).
I will wel come any reference to the reference material on the topic.
thanx for your response. i always remain worried about the Riba, (although as an accountant i have to face it in my routine)this is the only thing which i hate about this profession of accountancy. i want to research in the field of finance in the light of the teachings of Islam.
I am not in agreeement with you on that we dont have any other way around. i am firm beliver that Islam is a universal religion and it is a religion for all the times, and anything prohibited by the Islam must be practicably aviodable (may be the diffiulty level associated with the observance of teaching differs in various times, but still there must be some ways of practise).
I will wel come any reference to the reference material on the topic.