05-12-2006, 10:13 PM
Hiyaa all!![8D]
Today i've just passes all tests in Pindi ASRC including aptitude verbal and nonverbal test,academic test and personaily test as well for Women computer officer aptain...but still i dont know wots gonna happen tomorrow..they've called me for 'Personality test".....so cud u plz tell be wot it wud be like? im confused,i dont know wot it wud be.....can u plz tell me somfing abt it....i already attempted computer based personailty test, but it was quite simple paper including self related Qs'...but wot wud b tomorrow's persinality test?[?]
Today i've just passes all tests in Pindi ASRC including aptitude verbal and nonverbal test,academic test and personaily test as well for Women computer officer aptain...but still i dont know wots gonna happen tomorrow..they've called me for 'Personality test".....so cud u plz tell be wot it wud be like? im confused,i dont know wot it wud be.....can u plz tell me somfing abt it....i already attempted computer based personailty test, but it was quite simple paper including self related Qs'...but wot wud b tomorrow's persinality test?[?]