06-24-2006, 08:00 PM
Rehman Sarfraz is certainly in the Top 20 Categoery but I could not exactly pin a number on it, given the lack of information. So, it is a good firm to train in. However, I said Anjum Asim because there is a preception in the market with comparability and becuase it is the Local Grant Thornton office (which is a number 5 firm worldwide). Premium international affiliations/associations would help you later on in your career as well.
Rehman Sarfraz is certainly in the Top 20 Categoery but I could not exactly pin a number on it, given the lack of information. So, it is a good firm to train in. However, I said Anjum Asim because there is a preception in the market with comparability and becuase it is the Local Grant Thornton office (which is a number 5 firm worldwide). Premium international affiliations/associations would help you later on in your career as well.