11-12-2006, 11:07 PM
OK now
No doubt, CA is a good field )
But its really tiring & hard... I mean the studies.
Using the ACCA route is good, it isn't that much long what it seems, it only takes 6 months onget than the normal route of CA (if you pass without failing any papers, which is difficult in CA)
So its practically a more shorter route than direclty starting CA, & in the mean time, if you don't want to do CA, you can rely on ACCA.
ACCA's can work in banks, financial institutions & other commerce & industry wihtout having the need to do "articleship" at firms.
So the ACCA route is a very safe route, it provides you exit points if you don't want to do CA later on. & ACCA is also widley accpeted around the world (which CA is not), so you can work in many countries really good pay
Secondly, it takes 2.5 or 2 years to complete ACCA exams (depedning on what number of papers you take). & ACCA is equal to CA Inter.
ACCA can be completed easily(but ofcourse you have to study) while CA Inter is really hard & requires loads of study.
When you have to paths leading to the same place; which one would you choose, path full of thorns & difficulties or the straight path with a good road & flowers too)
I recomend ACCA route.
No doubt, CA is a good field )
But its really tiring & hard... I mean the studies.
Using the ACCA route is good, it isn't that much long what it seems, it only takes 6 months onget than the normal route of CA (if you pass without failing any papers, which is difficult in CA)
So its practically a more shorter route than direclty starting CA, & in the mean time, if you don't want to do CA, you can rely on ACCA.
ACCA's can work in banks, financial institutions & other commerce & industry wihtout having the need to do "articleship" at firms.
So the ACCA route is a very safe route, it provides you exit points if you don't want to do CA later on. & ACCA is also widley accpeted around the world (which CA is not), so you can work in many countries really good pay
Secondly, it takes 2.5 or 2 years to complete ACCA exams (depedning on what number of papers you take). & ACCA is equal to CA Inter.
ACCA can be completed easily(but ofcourse you have to study) while CA Inter is really hard & requires loads of study.
When you have to paths leading to the same place; which one would you choose, path full of thorns & difficulties or the straight path with a good road & flowers too)
I recomend ACCA route.