04-04-2007, 01:19 PM
If we go on to compare different subjects taught or studied in these two qualifications i.e ACCA and CA of Icap, we can see that at this time ACCAs` are ahead of their counterparts as for as financial management is concerned,CAs` are good in financial accounting and in pakistani tax, I suggest that If ACCAs` are not allowed to enter in public practice for some time as you people have said,they should be given the same degree of exemptions as they were used to enjoy in 1990s` . No doubt that ICAP has increased its papers from 14 to 21 but they are giving the same exemptions for ICAEW CAs` where as we have seen that ACCA is getting more equal status to CA of ICAEW in uk which is quite visible from the new scheme launche dby ICAEW to get ACA from ICAew for ACCAs`