04-28-2007, 03:02 PM
Dear Brick
Your topic is a bit different from other posts though there are some realities in it just like late sittings, hard work with little renumeration but dont you have an idea about the prestige of a Chartered Accountant and scope of this profession. As it is understood to achieve some thing you have to sacrify some other thing. Better the achievement greater will be sacrify. Its understood that there is a lot of hard work as you quoted prison much struggle and a great exploitation in these firms but once you get through these articles and quality then you will get your fruit. Your rest of life is much comfortable. You know that there are only about 4000 Chartered Accountants in Pakistan. If this profession be so easy there might be 4000000 CA as like Doctors and Engineers. These are all those people who have faced all the hurdles as mentioned by you. If you will see the enterance and exit in this profession you will come to know that the quit ratio from the profession is more then 70%. Those who cant face they quit. So in short there is a big struggle and much tough time in this profession but its much fruitfull once you become a CA
Your topic is a bit different from other posts though there are some realities in it just like late sittings, hard work with little renumeration but dont you have an idea about the prestige of a Chartered Accountant and scope of this profession. As it is understood to achieve some thing you have to sacrify some other thing. Better the achievement greater will be sacrify. Its understood that there is a lot of hard work as you quoted prison much struggle and a great exploitation in these firms but once you get through these articles and quality then you will get your fruit. Your rest of life is much comfortable. You know that there are only about 4000 Chartered Accountants in Pakistan. If this profession be so easy there might be 4000000 CA as like Doctors and Engineers. These are all those people who have faced all the hurdles as mentioned by you. If you will see the enterance and exit in this profession you will come to know that the quit ratio from the profession is more then 70%. Those who cant face they quit. So in short there is a big struggle and much tough time in this profession but its much fruitfull once you become a CA