05-03-2007, 05:22 PM
salam to all ca's and acca's
mr muhammad amir i m student of cat i have cleared two papers t1 and t2 inshallah in june i will give t5 one question that i would like to ask u after comleteing cat level 2 of acca become easy from june 2007 acca introduce new syllabus complete cat helps in former syllabus does it also help in new sllabus of acca
mr muhammad amir i m student of cat i have cleared two papers t1 and t2 inshallah in june i will give t5 one question that i would like to ask u after comleteing cat level 2 of acca become easy from june 2007 acca introduce new syllabus complete cat helps in former syllabus does it also help in new sllabus of acca