05-04-2007, 06:06 PM
Dear Amir,
Your thoughts have always been child like. You always talk about exam techniques and ICAP behaviour etc. You must agree that you are still a confused student who knows nothing about the field but makes big prophecies and criticise all those things which have some times given you tough time or which you suppose would give you tough time.
Besides considering ICAP's syllabus extremely comprehensive at the moment, I also understand that basically we are a developing nation. I always say that in so many cases we have to follow the others. This is not the problem of Pakistan but whole muslim community at the moment. I in my previous posts agreed that ACCA and CIMA books are very good for study purpose. I also studied CIMA book written by R.J.Kirk on financial reporting in P.E.1. However, in professional qualifications, it is not the, available or published books, which make a difference. Rather, the difference is created by the quality of examination questions, honesty in declaring the students succeessful, difficult criterias, passing ratio and post qualification policies of the governing body/institute. Off course for having better you will have to put in better. Why not you agree to this universal truth. Further, it majorly depends upon the strength in a given economy and acceptability of a given qualification in terms of highest repute and status. I have no doubt that CA has no comparison with ACCA. It was, is and will always (inshallah) be better than ACCA, in my view, at least in Pakistan.
You must grasp the basic idea behind my communications. When poor parents work so much hard for the better future of their sons/daughters and such sons/daughters have to choose some field/qualification for poviding a return of the honest efforts of their parents then situation differs completely from your estimations. In such situation, behaviour of an institute, difficult exam techniques, comparison of syllabus and other such stuff has nothing to do with. The thing which matters is to get the best for fulfilling the wishes of all those who have worked on us honestly and to get the best of the bests in terms of future status. Off course CA is best for settling down in Pakistan.
Just suppose the example of some parents who worked life time hard for the better education and status of their son. And their son, just becoz of your wrong/baseless/child like discussions choose ACCA instead of CA even having calibre to qualify CA. And after doing ACCA he continues searching job for long times or gets some job which is not as per the dreams of his parents and which cannot even satisfy the basic expectation level. Then who will compensate such a student. Would you compensate? You can never. Very soon you would also be going to face it. I hope and pray that you find some good job to fulfill the noble wishes of your noble parents who have even prayed for you in HARAM SHAREEF. Yes, your knowledge in JAVA and other computer qualifications will help you but its credit must not be given to your so called ACCA.
You know the people who established ACCA were just like those who proposed and made efforts to establish PIPFA in Pakistan. I mean those who could not get ICEAW qualification and wanted to put something with their names. Their hews and cries have worked for them. However, with the passage of time, it has improved itself and this always happens every where. Now the issue that ACCA is finding wide acceptance. I can pass a smile on this news. Yes, they are increasing at least as students in Pakistan. Why? Has any body analyzed? Off course becoz it is considered much easier than CA. From this forum I have received e-mails of a guy who is feeling severe problem in getting through CA exams and wants to switch over to ACCA. Why it happens? Becoz every one knows that ACCA is easier and straightforward. Dear Amir, life is not so easy. If you only want to talk like a marketing man, you should choose MBA instead of this ACCA. It will work more for you. I bet.
As far s the issue of comparison of modle E or F or esle with ACCA. I just wish you to sit in the exam of E or F and have a courage to face these papers. You will come to know where does the difference lie.
In Pakistan, You have never worked in any senior capacity of our profession. You must know that in your age every one wants to have some short cut and searchs the easiest way to get something in the shortest possible time. This is what always make you to post such messages. Dont find satisfaction in calling others to ACCA just becoz you have to argue against CA in whatever circumstances. Every one including you knows that CA is better as far as Pakistan market is concerned. Then why you misguide the others.
I never impose my opinion on others. I always want the guys to do the best. If any body wants to do CFA instead of CA, I have no argument or objection. Off course it is much better in its own field and provides best retunrs. I have also no enemity with ACCA but when you will compare it with CA, specially in Pakistan, I will never agree with your thoughts.
Every one should find out reality before choosing a future qualification. All human beings have been created equal. If almost 5000 CAs have qualified, then why the new comer cannot qualify while God has created him equal to those who qualified. The thing which matters is courage and hard working.
I did not said "leave this 30000 circle" to avoid discussion. I said this to ask u to quote some big names earning 250,000 plus upto 1,000,000 plus as an ACCA without having parallel CA qualification.
Anyways, this is my last post on this topic. I wanted to save others from wrong decision but if any body wants to choose ACCA I dont have any objection personally. He will Inshallah find what destiny has written in his fate.
Your thoughts have always been child like. You always talk about exam techniques and ICAP behaviour etc. You must agree that you are still a confused student who knows nothing about the field but makes big prophecies and criticise all those things which have some times given you tough time or which you suppose would give you tough time.
Besides considering ICAP's syllabus extremely comprehensive at the moment, I also understand that basically we are a developing nation. I always say that in so many cases we have to follow the others. This is not the problem of Pakistan but whole muslim community at the moment. I in my previous posts agreed that ACCA and CIMA books are very good for study purpose. I also studied CIMA book written by R.J.Kirk on financial reporting in P.E.1. However, in professional qualifications, it is not the, available or published books, which make a difference. Rather, the difference is created by the quality of examination questions, honesty in declaring the students succeessful, difficult criterias, passing ratio and post qualification policies of the governing body/institute. Off course for having better you will have to put in better. Why not you agree to this universal truth. Further, it majorly depends upon the strength in a given economy and acceptability of a given qualification in terms of highest repute and status. I have no doubt that CA has no comparison with ACCA. It was, is and will always (inshallah) be better than ACCA, in my view, at least in Pakistan.
You must grasp the basic idea behind my communications. When poor parents work so much hard for the better future of their sons/daughters and such sons/daughters have to choose some field/qualification for poviding a return of the honest efforts of their parents then situation differs completely from your estimations. In such situation, behaviour of an institute, difficult exam techniques, comparison of syllabus and other such stuff has nothing to do with. The thing which matters is to get the best for fulfilling the wishes of all those who have worked on us honestly and to get the best of the bests in terms of future status. Off course CA is best for settling down in Pakistan.
Just suppose the example of some parents who worked life time hard for the better education and status of their son. And their son, just becoz of your wrong/baseless/child like discussions choose ACCA instead of CA even having calibre to qualify CA. And after doing ACCA he continues searching job for long times or gets some job which is not as per the dreams of his parents and which cannot even satisfy the basic expectation level. Then who will compensate such a student. Would you compensate? You can never. Very soon you would also be going to face it. I hope and pray that you find some good job to fulfill the noble wishes of your noble parents who have even prayed for you in HARAM SHAREEF. Yes, your knowledge in JAVA and other computer qualifications will help you but its credit must not be given to your so called ACCA.
You know the people who established ACCA were just like those who proposed and made efforts to establish PIPFA in Pakistan. I mean those who could not get ICEAW qualification and wanted to put something with their names. Their hews and cries have worked for them. However, with the passage of time, it has improved itself and this always happens every where. Now the issue that ACCA is finding wide acceptance. I can pass a smile on this news. Yes, they are increasing at least as students in Pakistan. Why? Has any body analyzed? Off course becoz it is considered much easier than CA. From this forum I have received e-mails of a guy who is feeling severe problem in getting through CA exams and wants to switch over to ACCA. Why it happens? Becoz every one knows that ACCA is easier and straightforward. Dear Amir, life is not so easy. If you only want to talk like a marketing man, you should choose MBA instead of this ACCA. It will work more for you. I bet.
As far s the issue of comparison of modle E or F or esle with ACCA. I just wish you to sit in the exam of E or F and have a courage to face these papers. You will come to know where does the difference lie.
In Pakistan, You have never worked in any senior capacity of our profession. You must know that in your age every one wants to have some short cut and searchs the easiest way to get something in the shortest possible time. This is what always make you to post such messages. Dont find satisfaction in calling others to ACCA just becoz you have to argue against CA in whatever circumstances. Every one including you knows that CA is better as far as Pakistan market is concerned. Then why you misguide the others.
I never impose my opinion on others. I always want the guys to do the best. If any body wants to do CFA instead of CA, I have no argument or objection. Off course it is much better in its own field and provides best retunrs. I have also no enemity with ACCA but when you will compare it with CA, specially in Pakistan, I will never agree with your thoughts.
Every one should find out reality before choosing a future qualification. All human beings have been created equal. If almost 5000 CAs have qualified, then why the new comer cannot qualify while God has created him equal to those who qualified. The thing which matters is courage and hard working.
I did not said "leave this 30000 circle" to avoid discussion. I said this to ask u to quote some big names earning 250,000 plus upto 1,000,000 plus as an ACCA without having parallel CA qualification.
Anyways, this is my last post on this topic. I wanted to save others from wrong decision but if any body wants to choose ACCA I dont have any objection personally. He will Inshallah find what destiny has written in his fate.