05-11-2007, 05:17 PM
If your question is focussed on audit only, then you have to see my answer to your other post in the same sub group. I referred some local partner requirement and initial investment estimation. You have to expense out 50,000 dirhams (almost Rupees 800,000) for getting practice permission and have to engage one local partner if you wanna start your practice. Initial investment will be of Rupees 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 almost.
Earning is good at dubai for auditors. Normally small firms have hired agents who are normally MBAs. These guys search the markets to locate the people who want to get their accounts prepared and audited by some firm for their banking reasons.
Such MBAs find clients for the smaller firms and finalize the deals between them. They get their commission on such services. This seems to be un-ethical but this happens in Dubai.
This way these small audit firms earn well. There earnings are normally from 30,000 dirham to 60,000 dirhams per month where two partners are working on full time basis. Little bit established smaller firms even earn more than 80,000 dirhams per month but it depends upon PR, time factor and agents hired.
This all is inside information which normally people dont much know.
Hope you can understand the situation at Dubai etc.
If your question is focussed on audit only, then you have to see my answer to your other post in the same sub group. I referred some local partner requirement and initial investment estimation. You have to expense out 50,000 dirhams (almost Rupees 800,000) for getting practice permission and have to engage one local partner if you wanna start your practice. Initial investment will be of Rupees 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 almost.
Earning is good at dubai for auditors. Normally small firms have hired agents who are normally MBAs. These guys search the markets to locate the people who want to get their accounts prepared and audited by some firm for their banking reasons.
Such MBAs find clients for the smaller firms and finalize the deals between them. They get their commission on such services. This seems to be un-ethical but this happens in Dubai.
This way these small audit firms earn well. There earnings are normally from 30,000 dirham to 60,000 dirhams per month where two partners are working on full time basis. Little bit established smaller firms even earn more than 80,000 dirhams per month but it depends upon PR, time factor and agents hired.
This all is inside information which normally people dont much know.
Hope you can understand the situation at Dubai etc.