05-18-2007, 06:06 PM
Dear Amir,
I again have to reply main points of ur post.
Background of the incident of Mehmood Ghaznavi. Yes, I have read the whole story. Since I dont much appreciate penetrating other countries or war imposition on other nations without being personally feared/harmed by them, I personally dont much appreciate this incident. This has nothing to do with the personal abilities, quotes and nobaility of an emporer like Mehmood Ghaznavi. This has to do with the strategies of a government only. I feel that these all are the historical reasons behind the incidents like Babari Mosque. Every one in history has done similar acts, when he was in power regardless of whether he was muslim or kaafir.
All supporters of Talibaans say that whatever they were doing was confined to their own country then why USA has objected on their own affairs. This is exactly what makes me to think that if we Muslims are of this view, then why did we interfere others' affairs in Mehmood Ghaznavi's regime. If we use our mind then this question arises. However, if we dont use this God gifted box then no question appears on any aspect of life.
Whatever SOMNAT was doing was confined to their nation and their country and was entirely not affecting the Ghazni. If we now raise question that muslims were also living near SOMNAT and were affected by their conflicting beliefs and preaches then we should not forget that so many non-muslims and non-talibaans have been badly affected in Talibaan's regime in aghanistan as well. I just want to show the both sides of the picture.
I wish to quote a Hadees here. The Prophet PBUH once said to muslims, that you must not abuse the untrue gods (and idols) of Kuffaars. Becoz If you will do so, they will in turn abuse your true God (Naoozbillah). {I think Mr. Amir must have seen this Hadees}.
This was a big lesson for the muslims. Our problem is that we leave the instructions of the Prophet PBUH and start analysing Islam as per our ideas. Whereas we have been asked to leave what Prophet PBUH abstains us and get what he PBUH gives us. If some one will refer the incident of breaking idols in KHANA KABA, he must note that KHANA KABA was a worship place of followers of Din-e-Ibrahim and was wrongly occupied by the Kuffaars. Muslims and Prophet PBUH did not break any idol placed in the worship places of Kuffaars and their homes.
When now world has changed totally, then we muslims should have to progress with the time and must look forward to all advancements and technical developments. What AMAR BIL MAAROOF WA NAHI ANNIL MUNKIR of Talibaan has done by the way. If a few faranggies (one or two) were preached and became muslim, this does not show a big achievment whereas the whole world disliked them at the same time and they caused a big destruction and Crusade against muslims as a whole when politically this should have been avoided becoz we are not upto it without preparation.
You said in your post that you know so many who went to Afghanistan from Pakistan and participated in so-called Jehad (which was also mainly against other sects of Muslims) and who state that "what not and what not" has been done by Talibaans. By the way, all such guys in my view were not doing Jehad and if they think they have done, then they have to look on the conditions of Jehad under a Muslim government. I must point out that those were Pakistani citizens and were not afghanies. They have to judge their Jehad in view of Pakistani writ of government. Such guys who left Pakistan (mainly illegally) and came back should be searched out and must be punished under immigration rules and regulations. If you know them with proofs, you should inform the law enforcing agencies. Just an advice. These are the guys who are responsible for GHADDAR that is currently prevailing in islamic world.
I refer a quote from Pracs' post "Arab ulemas are nothing of an authentication for a 'certification' look at their societies rather a mirror if Islammic values." I totally agree with his statement and dont go for detailed reply in this regard.
Now the issue of beating the women and banning their DUNYAVI EDUCATION. Islam no where authorised to punish women for not taking veils. In fact veils have never been made the part of PARDA by Islam. The problem is that we dont look at the realities. Veils are just an endeavor to pressurize the women, in my view, unless some female personally likes it to wear. One needs to study and understand the requirements of Soorah-e-Nisa and Soorah-e-Noor for defining PARDA.
In my view PARDA cannot be more than what has strictly been suggested and practiced during HAJJ since hundreds of the years. Every one knows that the IHRAAM of HAJJ specific for females does not include any veil. Now I dont believe that there was a single female in Afghanistan who was wearing dresses as you pointed out about the pakistani girls who sit in your class rooms. I dont appreciate those dresses in general becoz these really depict nudity. The only problem with afghani women was that they sometimes did not take veils. Veils are not strictly mentioned as a requirement by Holy Quran. This was strict rigidity of MULLAH UMER AND COMPANY to beat such females with sticks and shoes at the road crosses. This can never be proved valid or appreciable.
Dunyavi Education is a must for females as well. We are not living in the era of stones. When Prophet PBUH said that CONCIEVE THE KNOWLEDGE (EDUCATION), EVEN THIS REQUIRES YOU TO GO TO CHINA. In this Hadees, women have not been excluded. This was an order to every muslim. Was it not? You must know that at that time all DINI Education was at ARAB and China was referred only to point out the Dunyaavi Education. By the way, china at that time was very advanced in textiles, silk manufacturing and machine manufacturing. (Machines used at that time). China was also advanced in health education at that time.
I wonder how your Talibaans concluded that DUNYAVI TALEEM should be banned for females. You cannot quote a single Quranic Verse in support of this thought. Due to this, any Hadees or any other quote, if given against it, will be considered ZAEEF (weak) as it would not e supported by Quran. I wonder what Islam they were portraying. There must be a reason behind their destruction.
Indian Airplane. The big/great minds worked and relieved Mr. Masood Azher. I have never been into TAHAAR JAIL and dont have any experience of it. However, I have read a lot about it when I studied Charles ***H Raj's stories and also saw a documentary on National Geographic. Whatever those great minds did, those were a sect specific minds and dont depict the act of whole muslims community. The Jehad-e-Kashmir becomes valid becoz Hindus do so much offences at Kashmir. This is a separate issue and requires detailed delibrations. But whether going to Kashmir illegally counts as Jehad when we are the inhabitants of an independently governed muslim country. At the moment, I dont get into its details. Immigration laws must be observed and implemented by the Government agencies.
However, the act of TALIBAANs in case of Masood Azher's hijacked plane did not show the positive behaviour of an islamic country. These all are the (so-called) great mind decisions which have now destructed all that was owned by them and has also caused greatest danger to islamic nations as a whole. You can also find out such other GREAT MIND decisions as well which lead to destruction and brought us to the condition currently in vogue. One of such great mind was of Saddam Hussain.
If some thing has left, I will reply to calrify my position very soon.
Best regards,
I again have to reply main points of ur post.
Background of the incident of Mehmood Ghaznavi. Yes, I have read the whole story. Since I dont much appreciate penetrating other countries or war imposition on other nations without being personally feared/harmed by them, I personally dont much appreciate this incident. This has nothing to do with the personal abilities, quotes and nobaility of an emporer like Mehmood Ghaznavi. This has to do with the strategies of a government only. I feel that these all are the historical reasons behind the incidents like Babari Mosque. Every one in history has done similar acts, when he was in power regardless of whether he was muslim or kaafir.
All supporters of Talibaans say that whatever they were doing was confined to their own country then why USA has objected on their own affairs. This is exactly what makes me to think that if we Muslims are of this view, then why did we interfere others' affairs in Mehmood Ghaznavi's regime. If we use our mind then this question arises. However, if we dont use this God gifted box then no question appears on any aspect of life.
Whatever SOMNAT was doing was confined to their nation and their country and was entirely not affecting the Ghazni. If we now raise question that muslims were also living near SOMNAT and were affected by their conflicting beliefs and preaches then we should not forget that so many non-muslims and non-talibaans have been badly affected in Talibaan's regime in aghanistan as well. I just want to show the both sides of the picture.
I wish to quote a Hadees here. The Prophet PBUH once said to muslims, that you must not abuse the untrue gods (and idols) of Kuffaars. Becoz If you will do so, they will in turn abuse your true God (Naoozbillah). {I think Mr. Amir must have seen this Hadees}.
This was a big lesson for the muslims. Our problem is that we leave the instructions of the Prophet PBUH and start analysing Islam as per our ideas. Whereas we have been asked to leave what Prophet PBUH abstains us and get what he PBUH gives us. If some one will refer the incident of breaking idols in KHANA KABA, he must note that KHANA KABA was a worship place of followers of Din-e-Ibrahim and was wrongly occupied by the Kuffaars. Muslims and Prophet PBUH did not break any idol placed in the worship places of Kuffaars and their homes.
When now world has changed totally, then we muslims should have to progress with the time and must look forward to all advancements and technical developments. What AMAR BIL MAAROOF WA NAHI ANNIL MUNKIR of Talibaan has done by the way. If a few faranggies (one or two) were preached and became muslim, this does not show a big achievment whereas the whole world disliked them at the same time and they caused a big destruction and Crusade against muslims as a whole when politically this should have been avoided becoz we are not upto it without preparation.
You said in your post that you know so many who went to Afghanistan from Pakistan and participated in so-called Jehad (which was also mainly against other sects of Muslims) and who state that "what not and what not" has been done by Talibaans. By the way, all such guys in my view were not doing Jehad and if they think they have done, then they have to look on the conditions of Jehad under a Muslim government. I must point out that those were Pakistani citizens and were not afghanies. They have to judge their Jehad in view of Pakistani writ of government. Such guys who left Pakistan (mainly illegally) and came back should be searched out and must be punished under immigration rules and regulations. If you know them with proofs, you should inform the law enforcing agencies. Just an advice. These are the guys who are responsible for GHADDAR that is currently prevailing in islamic world.
I refer a quote from Pracs' post "Arab ulemas are nothing of an authentication for a 'certification' look at their societies rather a mirror if Islammic values." I totally agree with his statement and dont go for detailed reply in this regard.
Now the issue of beating the women and banning their DUNYAVI EDUCATION. Islam no where authorised to punish women for not taking veils. In fact veils have never been made the part of PARDA by Islam. The problem is that we dont look at the realities. Veils are just an endeavor to pressurize the women, in my view, unless some female personally likes it to wear. One needs to study and understand the requirements of Soorah-e-Nisa and Soorah-e-Noor for defining PARDA.
In my view PARDA cannot be more than what has strictly been suggested and practiced during HAJJ since hundreds of the years. Every one knows that the IHRAAM of HAJJ specific for females does not include any veil. Now I dont believe that there was a single female in Afghanistan who was wearing dresses as you pointed out about the pakistani girls who sit in your class rooms. I dont appreciate those dresses in general becoz these really depict nudity. The only problem with afghani women was that they sometimes did not take veils. Veils are not strictly mentioned as a requirement by Holy Quran. This was strict rigidity of MULLAH UMER AND COMPANY to beat such females with sticks and shoes at the road crosses. This can never be proved valid or appreciable.
Dunyavi Education is a must for females as well. We are not living in the era of stones. When Prophet PBUH said that CONCIEVE THE KNOWLEDGE (EDUCATION), EVEN THIS REQUIRES YOU TO GO TO CHINA. In this Hadees, women have not been excluded. This was an order to every muslim. Was it not? You must know that at that time all DINI Education was at ARAB and China was referred only to point out the Dunyaavi Education. By the way, china at that time was very advanced in textiles, silk manufacturing and machine manufacturing. (Machines used at that time). China was also advanced in health education at that time.
I wonder how your Talibaans concluded that DUNYAVI TALEEM should be banned for females. You cannot quote a single Quranic Verse in support of this thought. Due to this, any Hadees or any other quote, if given against it, will be considered ZAEEF (weak) as it would not e supported by Quran. I wonder what Islam they were portraying. There must be a reason behind their destruction.
Indian Airplane. The big/great minds worked and relieved Mr. Masood Azher. I have never been into TAHAAR JAIL and dont have any experience of it. However, I have read a lot about it when I studied Charles ***H Raj's stories and also saw a documentary on National Geographic. Whatever those great minds did, those were a sect specific minds and dont depict the act of whole muslims community. The Jehad-e-Kashmir becomes valid becoz Hindus do so much offences at Kashmir. This is a separate issue and requires detailed delibrations. But whether going to Kashmir illegally counts as Jehad when we are the inhabitants of an independently governed muslim country. At the moment, I dont get into its details. Immigration laws must be observed and implemented by the Government agencies.
However, the act of TALIBAANs in case of Masood Azher's hijacked plane did not show the positive behaviour of an islamic country. These all are the (so-called) great mind decisions which have now destructed all that was owned by them and has also caused greatest danger to islamic nations as a whole. You can also find out such other GREAT MIND decisions as well which lead to destruction and brought us to the condition currently in vogue. One of such great mind was of Saddam Hussain.
If some thing has left, I will reply to calrify my position very soon.
Best regards,