07-13-2007, 07:16 AM
I fully agree with you Javed....
This is pure identity theft and the government is doing nothing... internationally there are strict laws against identity theft and very high fines and jail terms.
.. I remember from my memory that during mid and late nineties there was a big campaign by PTA that all prepaid connections must have corresponding ID cards and this data was required and mandated by all cell phone companies...
.... i dont know what has happened to it..
... Another thing to note is that all these mobile phone operators are earning 100s of millions of dollars and sending back money monthly to their corporate HQ but they are not obliged to maintain country-wide EIR (Equipment Idenity Register) by PTA which is an electronic database of all stolen cell phones. This EIR automatically blocks all cellphones on all networks. This is implemented in several foreign countries and only requires a very small investment from these companies as compared to the profits they are earning...
.. if this is implemented.. mobile snatching etc will become a thing of the past as no stolen phone will work on any mobile network in the country... they all know it including PTA but they dont implement it hence any person who dies or is killed by phone snatchers etc., these mobile companies and PTA are directly responsible.. and I am saying these companies because there is a concept which is called corporate social responsibility.. which means that companies should contribute positively to the society which is helping them earn mega money....
.. Other thing related to this point is that all ID cards have a unique number.. if all of these were/are registered in mobile companies' database, a very simple search of finding duplicate records will highlight all these bogus connections.... and actions could be taken against the dealers / resellers responsible for it... again.. this does not require any money and effort but.. I must say this is pure complaceny and lack of responsibility by these cell phone companies that they dont do it...
... In the end PTA bears ALL RESPONSIBILITY... they are responsible fo r all cell phone related crimes in this country.
... Approaching supreme court is a good idea and I fully support it.
This is pure identity theft and the government is doing nothing... internationally there are strict laws against identity theft and very high fines and jail terms.
.. I remember from my memory that during mid and late nineties there was a big campaign by PTA that all prepaid connections must have corresponding ID cards and this data was required and mandated by all cell phone companies...
.... i dont know what has happened to it..
... Another thing to note is that all these mobile phone operators are earning 100s of millions of dollars and sending back money monthly to their corporate HQ but they are not obliged to maintain country-wide EIR (Equipment Idenity Register) by PTA which is an electronic database of all stolen cell phones. This EIR automatically blocks all cellphones on all networks. This is implemented in several foreign countries and only requires a very small investment from these companies as compared to the profits they are earning...
.. if this is implemented.. mobile snatching etc will become a thing of the past as no stolen phone will work on any mobile network in the country... they all know it including PTA but they dont implement it hence any person who dies or is killed by phone snatchers etc., these mobile companies and PTA are directly responsible.. and I am saying these companies because there is a concept which is called corporate social responsibility.. which means that companies should contribute positively to the society which is helping them earn mega money....
.. Other thing related to this point is that all ID cards have a unique number.. if all of these were/are registered in mobile companies' database, a very simple search of finding duplicate records will highlight all these bogus connections.... and actions could be taken against the dealers / resellers responsible for it... again.. this does not require any money and effort but.. I must say this is pure complaceny and lack of responsibility by these cell phone companies that they dont do it...
... In the end PTA bears ALL RESPONSIBILITY... they are responsible fo r all cell phone related crimes in this country.
... Approaching supreme court is a good idea and I fully support it.