07-19-2007, 06:45 PM
Dear Coollioness,
In my earlier post I did not deny that the love with a human who is not ur sibling is something out of the world or out of the perception. It is also not a taboo. God admits the existence of such attraction in the Holy Quran.
However, the moral restrictions are always there specially for the muslims, as per laid down boundries of character maintenance. This of course is kept in view by every one who has a fear of Allah.
Humanly love is a reality and is made for us by God. Love between husband and wife makes the home a place to live at and it plays a crucial role in the development of wisdom and character in their generation.
I personally cannot and as such do not deny form the reality of this attraction which has been created in the human hearts by the nature. I also agree that sometimes it has nothing to do with the physical desires but here I must mention that the humanly love is ULTIMATELY focussed on having a close relationship (although always expected to be within legal and islamic framework) and physical desire is to some extent embeded in the wish to get some one's company for the life time. However, the sincereity for a longer-term (for life time) relationship is always the attribute of a pure humanly love.
This is the nature of a human to like beautiful, attractive and well appeared things. Likewise, a human wishes to have best for his/her company. No one wants or at least predict or wish an ugly personality when dreaming the future life. This all has a great connection with the physical desires and one cannot totally rule out this fact.
Whenever God blesses some one the blessing appears to be unlimited and unrestricted and is also not limited to any specific religion or sect. When God gives someone wisdom, he makes the people like Ein Stien, AbdulSalam, Newton and Arstotic. Whenever he gives the power he makes, Alexender the great, Farooq the great (Raziallah Ta'ala), Changaiz Khan, Saairus and Babur. Whenever God blesses beauty he creates person like Yousaf (Aleh-e-salam).
These all things are blessed by God and could be called the merits of some one's personality. Humanly love is always influenced from one of the above merits. I dont much know about the females' psychology but males are mostly influenced with the beauty, family background and level of education. Still, in number of cases, beauty comes first.
We can claim that love is always an attraction having no connection whatsoever with physical desire. I can agree to it to a little extent. But what the disguised reality is? I feel there always remains some specific feature which creates the attraction and ultimately it has something to do with materiality and physical relationships. This is an unknown fact.
You may have some different opinion.
In my earlier post I did not deny that the love with a human who is not ur sibling is something out of the world or out of the perception. It is also not a taboo. God admits the existence of such attraction in the Holy Quran.
However, the moral restrictions are always there specially for the muslims, as per laid down boundries of character maintenance. This of course is kept in view by every one who has a fear of Allah.
Humanly love is a reality and is made for us by God. Love between husband and wife makes the home a place to live at and it plays a crucial role in the development of wisdom and character in their generation.
I personally cannot and as such do not deny form the reality of this attraction which has been created in the human hearts by the nature. I also agree that sometimes it has nothing to do with the physical desires but here I must mention that the humanly love is ULTIMATELY focussed on having a close relationship (although always expected to be within legal and islamic framework) and physical desire is to some extent embeded in the wish to get some one's company for the life time. However, the sincereity for a longer-term (for life time) relationship is always the attribute of a pure humanly love.
This is the nature of a human to like beautiful, attractive and well appeared things. Likewise, a human wishes to have best for his/her company. No one wants or at least predict or wish an ugly personality when dreaming the future life. This all has a great connection with the physical desires and one cannot totally rule out this fact.
Whenever God blesses some one the blessing appears to be unlimited and unrestricted and is also not limited to any specific religion or sect. When God gives someone wisdom, he makes the people like Ein Stien, AbdulSalam, Newton and Arstotic. Whenever he gives the power he makes, Alexender the great, Farooq the great (Raziallah Ta'ala), Changaiz Khan, Saairus and Babur. Whenever God blesses beauty he creates person like Yousaf (Aleh-e-salam).
These all things are blessed by God and could be called the merits of some one's personality. Humanly love is always influenced from one of the above merits. I dont much know about the females' psychology but males are mostly influenced with the beauty, family background and level of education. Still, in number of cases, beauty comes first.
We can claim that love is always an attraction having no connection whatsoever with physical desire. I can agree to it to a little extent. But what the disguised reality is? I feel there always remains some specific feature which creates the attraction and ultimately it has something to do with materiality and physical relationships. This is an unknown fact.
You may have some different opinion.