08-26-2007, 11:58 AM
Dear Kamran,
In a nutshell you tried to say that any banking either labeled as Islamic Banking is not truly Islamic, atleast in Pakistan. In the light of what you said it can be assumed that the concept of Islamic Banking is not practically possible, as I wonder how the banks can be active partners according to your definition of active partner. Now is Interest Riba or not is another question. This never means to disagree with you, just tried to reinstate your concept.
Dear Shahnaz,
You just made a little mess which was much exaggerated by me and Astute. So, we can conclude that the world is not ready to oversee even small mistakes made by us.
In a nutshell you tried to say that any banking either labeled as Islamic Banking is not truly Islamic, atleast in Pakistan. In the light of what you said it can be assumed that the concept of Islamic Banking is not practically possible, as I wonder how the banks can be active partners according to your definition of active partner. Now is Interest Riba or not is another question. This never means to disagree with you, just tried to reinstate your concept.
Dear Shahnaz,
You just made a little mess which was much exaggerated by me and Astute. So, we can conclude that the world is not ready to oversee even small mistakes made by us.