10-11-2007, 01:06 AM
Dear Kamran,
Offerring a reply to a qualified chartered accountant requires a lot of time and this may be due to the reason he so effectively mingles up things and prefers to keep on circumlocating instead of remaining focused to the main point. And he himself is the judge of right and wrong, crieteria being to simple; what he says is right; others, wrong. This may be due to the reason he is a qualified chartered accountant who uses ACA with his name. I wonder why he does so (using ACA with name), may be he himself is not sure of it or he doubts that others may doubt. Whatever is the reason we should be least bothered. Also, he mistakenly considers everbody Amir. But some people may remind him that he is not the fountainhead of all the knowledge and logic in this world.
I wish his replies and logics could be evaluated by some rational third person.
Offerring a reply to a qualified chartered accountant requires a lot of time and this may be due to the reason he so effectively mingles up things and prefers to keep on circumlocating instead of remaining focused to the main point. And he himself is the judge of right and wrong, crieteria being to simple; what he says is right; others, wrong. This may be due to the reason he is a qualified chartered accountant who uses ACA with his name. I wonder why he does so (using ACA with name), may be he himself is not sure of it or he doubts that others may doubt. Whatever is the reason we should be least bothered. Also, he mistakenly considers everbody Amir. But some people may remind him that he is not the fountainhead of all the knowledge and logic in this world.
I wish his replies and logics could be evaluated by some rational third person.