10-29-2007, 05:51 PM
Dear Israr,
I can percieve that discussion on the subject matter can lead a big fuss and debate. Still, as u referred it to me more specifically, I will definitely share my ideas with you. I may wish to dont discuss the things which can get no results.
First of all I must say that biggest miracle (Moajza) of Islam is that it is spreading and winning acceptance at large without having regard to a big reality that as a nation muslims are the worst nation in the world. Historically and currently. I have so many times discussed it and have not a bit of doubt over it. This is only due to the ultimate truth of Islam and not due to any character of muslims at all. Others may not accept it which is a big hypocrisy and a matter of "Pidar-e-Mann Sultan Bood", still so many of our brothers have discussed the acts of muslims in islamic history on various threads which could be read by any one at this forum.
Secondly, we are mainly an illiterate nation. This is a matter to be judged as a whole and not on instances basis. Surely, it is against the basic education of Islam which asks every one to obtain knowledge. Knowledge has no where been restricted only to religious knowledge, madrissa knowledge or worldly knowledge. Knowledge is knowledge in its entirety. Otherwise a hint to go to China would Naoozbillah had carried no meanings for muslims.
Thirdly, our condition is of the pigeon who closes down his eyes on seeing a cat coming to him. We nominate various things to find a reason of refuge for our failure or wherever we dont find a reasonable reply to any query. We start it from blaming our fates, then YAHOODI LOBBY, then YAHOODI LOBBY affected MEDIA and then comes many more as per the thinking capacity of each mind on individual or collective basis.
I know jews are our worst enemies and they dont at all develop acceptance for muslims and cant at all see our prosperity. Still, we have been guided to keep an eye on them and have been asked not to rely on them in any matter. It has also been told to us that all Kuffar is same nation. We have been further guided that christians, in relationship for muslims, are better than jews. These all things are known to almost all muslims and need not to be re-called again and again. These are basically our foundation.
Still however, itâs a wonder if we always use these words without any justification for muslims, which may not be upto the mark, in our opinion, as we may also not be upto the mark in any othersâ opinion. Calling GEO or PTV or ARY or AAJ or INUDS VISION or any such other channel run by muslims as a jewish media is not a gud thing at our end. What will happen, if we start saying jewish lobby persons to every one among us. Even to the persons sitting in Madrissas and so-called mujahids and taalibaans and every one else. You know lack of wisdom can lead to uttering of any words. This would be a sin and is not appreciable. This is just like spreading iliteracy and lack of information if we ask others not to give an ear to the media. Media run by muslims (either they are of our viw or not) must not be called as jewish media or jewish influenced media. If we can understand, the media is the biggest blessing of this era. In some peoples' view everything which is not as per their idealogy is jewish in its nature. I wonder why they play the role of a pigeon described above.
Even we should listen what the actual jewish lobby is saying. There is no bar on it.
Swat !!! what a beautiful valley. Heaven on the earth. God's blessing for Pakistan. Matchable to the utmost beauty of switzerland in its landscape. Loving traditions. I cant forget my tours and visits of this valley starting from Islamabad, Noshehra, Mardan, Dargai, Malakand, Butkhela, KhawrzaKhela, Maingora, Sedu shareef, malam jabbah, madyan, behrain, kalam, Ushoo, Mahoodand and what not and what not. It's our ill fate that we are destructing this beauty and throwing it to the depth of killings, chopping down heads of innocents, firing out humans, explosions, wars, fights and imposing one sided islamic concept not acceptable to majority.
I cant totally disagree to what Amir has said about involvement of other enemy agencies in such activities. But we cannot at all rule out the activities of so called Ulemas, Mullahs and Taalibaans in this area. If other agencies are involved, the basic reason for their involvement has been created by these local taalibaans. (I am just using the word Taalibaan for identifying people like Mr. Fazalullah and it may not mean actual Taalibaans). I once explained this stopping of evil by hand or force as being on first grade of faith. It is very much controvercial and critical though it is not a Zaeef Hadees, in so far as, we interpret it for our own use, for making a logic to support our in-peaceful activities and for imposing our own ideas and school of thought on all others. Islam was not aimed at to create big fights among its own followers. Islam never educated us as such.
Evil has various definitions from various minds. One thing that may strictly be called as evil from one mind may not be called as such by other and may be termed as only a weakness or even not as such. Further, when we have a setup, a police and law enforcement system (how much it is effective is another question and its inefficiency again ourselves are responsible), a justice system, normal and shariah courts and so much else, then stopping of evil by our own hands remain totally unjustifiable. In existence of Qazi system in initial Islamic set ups, the murderer of one human was never treated as a nice act, irrespective of whatever the reason could be behind it. It is not the responsibility of individuals or specific school of thoughts to enforce their own mind's creation on others and do illegal and unjustifiable things by calling it as revoking the evil by hands. Just consider if you as a pakistani develop some own logic that all these Mr. Fazalullah type people are on wrong path (as I also think them to be) and on such logic u unjustifiablly (if u have power) start firing their properties, and killing them just calling it to stop an eveil, would it be a reciprocally justifiable thing. If we follow those people's mind then it should be justifiable. But in my view it is ruthless, inhuman and brutal. Law is there for sorting out our issues. If it is not working, then we should effort to make it workable. Destroying every thing as an avenge or rsponse is not a solution.
Why these people were not involved in such activities at Pakistan before these incidents. They had always been involved in such activities. How can one say they were not. Yes, they were not doing it with this intesnity in Pakistan becoz Afghanistan was open for them to fullfill their wishes, and they were doing this all stuff at Afghanistan thinking it to be a land of their school of thought only and dream word as well. They have a tendency of doing so. Islam (their school of thought) has only given them a cover. They are fighting since decades and even since centuries. They will not stop it even if you implement every thing which they feel appropriate. Their concentration started in Pakistan soon after they found it difficult at Afghanistan. I wish, God give them power, at least once, so that people could see the effects and eyes could be opened. Eyes should have been opened so far, but sometimes it is hard. If we take an over all view of this whole drama, should we not get a picture of what has come out of it grossly.
I believe that 9/11 was not done by these people. I believe it was jewsih act. I believe that they used it as a reason against muslims. But I very much know (as per my own perception) that who gave them a reason to do this all nasty stuff. Who created this room for them. There is no doubt that jewish lobby or other Kuffar is our enemy. This is absolute reality. But there are so many certain doubts over our own sincerity with muslims and islam and well beings of muslims. To whom we are killing in blasts? To whom we are harming if we fire out hairdressers shops, to who we will be harming if we demolish CD shops (we must make an effort and ask not to promote dirt but in my view CDs at all are not invalid, there cud be so many purposeful CDs as well, we shud stress objectivity and must not try to demolish everything), to whom we are destructing i we kill the scurity forces men? to whom we are harming when so many innocents give their lives in explosions? to whom we will be harming if we stop total tourism activity in these areas (who will go there? and how they will earn livelihoods which is totally dependent on tourism), who will be harmed if earning of the people of this valley will diminish? Every thing will harm muslims and not any one else.
In my absolute view, whatever has been so far done by these people has not at all given any benefit to the cause of Islam.
Things should have definetly been handled and treated differently. Since I am not a politician, or in government and since this forum is not a place to present theories, I cannot list down the methodologies for correction. The concerned people are expected to do it correctly and they have started working on it. I hope we will not cry on it like what we did on Lal Masjid issue.
My love to your land and every one living over there !!!
Best regards and best of luck for Swat.
I can percieve that discussion on the subject matter can lead a big fuss and debate. Still, as u referred it to me more specifically, I will definitely share my ideas with you. I may wish to dont discuss the things which can get no results.
First of all I must say that biggest miracle (Moajza) of Islam is that it is spreading and winning acceptance at large without having regard to a big reality that as a nation muslims are the worst nation in the world. Historically and currently. I have so many times discussed it and have not a bit of doubt over it. This is only due to the ultimate truth of Islam and not due to any character of muslims at all. Others may not accept it which is a big hypocrisy and a matter of "Pidar-e-Mann Sultan Bood", still so many of our brothers have discussed the acts of muslims in islamic history on various threads which could be read by any one at this forum.
Secondly, we are mainly an illiterate nation. This is a matter to be judged as a whole and not on instances basis. Surely, it is against the basic education of Islam which asks every one to obtain knowledge. Knowledge has no where been restricted only to religious knowledge, madrissa knowledge or worldly knowledge. Knowledge is knowledge in its entirety. Otherwise a hint to go to China would Naoozbillah had carried no meanings for muslims.
Thirdly, our condition is of the pigeon who closes down his eyes on seeing a cat coming to him. We nominate various things to find a reason of refuge for our failure or wherever we dont find a reasonable reply to any query. We start it from blaming our fates, then YAHOODI LOBBY, then YAHOODI LOBBY affected MEDIA and then comes many more as per the thinking capacity of each mind on individual or collective basis.
I know jews are our worst enemies and they dont at all develop acceptance for muslims and cant at all see our prosperity. Still, we have been guided to keep an eye on them and have been asked not to rely on them in any matter. It has also been told to us that all Kuffar is same nation. We have been further guided that christians, in relationship for muslims, are better than jews. These all things are known to almost all muslims and need not to be re-called again and again. These are basically our foundation.
Still however, itâs a wonder if we always use these words without any justification for muslims, which may not be upto the mark, in our opinion, as we may also not be upto the mark in any othersâ opinion. Calling GEO or PTV or ARY or AAJ or INUDS VISION or any such other channel run by muslims as a jewish media is not a gud thing at our end. What will happen, if we start saying jewish lobby persons to every one among us. Even to the persons sitting in Madrissas and so-called mujahids and taalibaans and every one else. You know lack of wisdom can lead to uttering of any words. This would be a sin and is not appreciable. This is just like spreading iliteracy and lack of information if we ask others not to give an ear to the media. Media run by muslims (either they are of our viw or not) must not be called as jewish media or jewish influenced media. If we can understand, the media is the biggest blessing of this era. In some peoples' view everything which is not as per their idealogy is jewish in its nature. I wonder why they play the role of a pigeon described above.
Even we should listen what the actual jewish lobby is saying. There is no bar on it.
Swat !!! what a beautiful valley. Heaven on the earth. God's blessing for Pakistan. Matchable to the utmost beauty of switzerland in its landscape. Loving traditions. I cant forget my tours and visits of this valley starting from Islamabad, Noshehra, Mardan, Dargai, Malakand, Butkhela, KhawrzaKhela, Maingora, Sedu shareef, malam jabbah, madyan, behrain, kalam, Ushoo, Mahoodand and what not and what not. It's our ill fate that we are destructing this beauty and throwing it to the depth of killings, chopping down heads of innocents, firing out humans, explosions, wars, fights and imposing one sided islamic concept not acceptable to majority.
I cant totally disagree to what Amir has said about involvement of other enemy agencies in such activities. But we cannot at all rule out the activities of so called Ulemas, Mullahs and Taalibaans in this area. If other agencies are involved, the basic reason for their involvement has been created by these local taalibaans. (I am just using the word Taalibaan for identifying people like Mr. Fazalullah and it may not mean actual Taalibaans). I once explained this stopping of evil by hand or force as being on first grade of faith. It is very much controvercial and critical though it is not a Zaeef Hadees, in so far as, we interpret it for our own use, for making a logic to support our in-peaceful activities and for imposing our own ideas and school of thought on all others. Islam was not aimed at to create big fights among its own followers. Islam never educated us as such.
Evil has various definitions from various minds. One thing that may strictly be called as evil from one mind may not be called as such by other and may be termed as only a weakness or even not as such. Further, when we have a setup, a police and law enforcement system (how much it is effective is another question and its inefficiency again ourselves are responsible), a justice system, normal and shariah courts and so much else, then stopping of evil by our own hands remain totally unjustifiable. In existence of Qazi system in initial Islamic set ups, the murderer of one human was never treated as a nice act, irrespective of whatever the reason could be behind it. It is not the responsibility of individuals or specific school of thoughts to enforce their own mind's creation on others and do illegal and unjustifiable things by calling it as revoking the evil by hands. Just consider if you as a pakistani develop some own logic that all these Mr. Fazalullah type people are on wrong path (as I also think them to be) and on such logic u unjustifiablly (if u have power) start firing their properties, and killing them just calling it to stop an eveil, would it be a reciprocally justifiable thing. If we follow those people's mind then it should be justifiable. But in my view it is ruthless, inhuman and brutal. Law is there for sorting out our issues. If it is not working, then we should effort to make it workable. Destroying every thing as an avenge or rsponse is not a solution.
Why these people were not involved in such activities at Pakistan before these incidents. They had always been involved in such activities. How can one say they were not. Yes, they were not doing it with this intesnity in Pakistan becoz Afghanistan was open for them to fullfill their wishes, and they were doing this all stuff at Afghanistan thinking it to be a land of their school of thought only and dream word as well. They have a tendency of doing so. Islam (their school of thought) has only given them a cover. They are fighting since decades and even since centuries. They will not stop it even if you implement every thing which they feel appropriate. Their concentration started in Pakistan soon after they found it difficult at Afghanistan. I wish, God give them power, at least once, so that people could see the effects and eyes could be opened. Eyes should have been opened so far, but sometimes it is hard. If we take an over all view of this whole drama, should we not get a picture of what has come out of it grossly.
I believe that 9/11 was not done by these people. I believe it was jewsih act. I believe that they used it as a reason against muslims. But I very much know (as per my own perception) that who gave them a reason to do this all nasty stuff. Who created this room for them. There is no doubt that jewish lobby or other Kuffar is our enemy. This is absolute reality. But there are so many certain doubts over our own sincerity with muslims and islam and well beings of muslims. To whom we are killing in blasts? To whom we are harming if we fire out hairdressers shops, to who we will be harming if we demolish CD shops (we must make an effort and ask not to promote dirt but in my view CDs at all are not invalid, there cud be so many purposeful CDs as well, we shud stress objectivity and must not try to demolish everything), to whom we are destructing i we kill the scurity forces men? to whom we are harming when so many innocents give their lives in explosions? to whom we will be harming if we stop total tourism activity in these areas (who will go there? and how they will earn livelihoods which is totally dependent on tourism), who will be harmed if earning of the people of this valley will diminish? Every thing will harm muslims and not any one else.
In my absolute view, whatever has been so far done by these people has not at all given any benefit to the cause of Islam.
Things should have definetly been handled and treated differently. Since I am not a politician, or in government and since this forum is not a place to present theories, I cannot list down the methodologies for correction. The concerned people are expected to do it correctly and they have started working on it. I hope we will not cry on it like what we did on Lal Masjid issue.
My love to your land and every one living over there !!!
Best regards and best of luck for Swat.