02-02-2008, 06:38 PM
Dear Amir,
Ghussa kar gaey ho yaar!!!
I quote ur worries hereunder
can you people tell me the match of module 'C' or 'D' with ACCA, will it not be absurd for an ACCA who has done Advanced Audit and Assurance to retake module D's Audit, will it not be absurd for an ACCA who has passed Advanced Financial Management to attempt Module D's Cost Accounting paper, will it not be absurd for an ACCA who has passed P2(Corporate Reporting) to attempt Financial Accounting paper...
I dont know why a totally un-worried person is so worried about absured things. Why he so anxiously counts on exemptions, why he so precisely keeps record of percentages, papers and else concerning the exemptions from ICAP. Wonders!!!
As far as my view about ACCA are concerned, these are not going to IFAC or else. These are not professional opinions. These are my personal views and are being discussed on forum. Don't feel pain my friend. Reality has not to change.
I said biases always exist on both sides and every one wants to remain superior. This is a general attitude followed by the concept of "survival of the fittest".
So dears strive to remain the fittest and come up with handful of exposure and knoweldge. One day might the situation reverse and this ACCA may engulf all the professions. Now what is wrong in predicting the things this way. )
And more simply if you and your ACCAs dont have any worries and problems and audit is not ur destination then why you are taking stress. Try to prove ur worth in upcoming days. God will help you Inshallah. Cheers!!!
Another concept is too much rubbed here on this forum. ACCAs are business advisors/planners rather than simply the accountants. Mashallah. On the same time one friend has pointed out that ACCA becomes ACCA only when he has undergone the training and an affiliate is not ACCA as such. I feel amused while reading such stuff. On one hand it is not even agreed that affiliate who lacks the training is ACCA and on the other hand it is claimed that ACCA on its own is business advisor/planner. [means no role training plays]. And if training has to do everything then what the magic ACCA has done? The subjects which students learn during ACCA? I dont think these are much different than other streams. So this delima is not resolved that what makes ACCA a business advisor and not simply the acountant.
Lets take Pakistan's example (we can go beyond if required). What businesses ACCAs know in depth. Can a non-practising (becoz practice in my view is the essense) ACCA elaborate me his knowledge on following sectors (most important, in Pakistan)
- financial (everything relating to it)
- water and power
- oil and gas
- textile
- steel
- sugar
- fertilizer
- glass
- leather / tanneries
- traveling / tourism / transportation
- hoteling
- food
- construction and engineering etc
Do the ACCA's learn (in ACCA) about sector specific processes, technicalities, production methodologies formulae and rescipies, available synergies, restructurings in given scenarios, product specifications, sector specific bottlenecks and techniques to reduce cost, curtailment of inefficiencies in specific machineries and processes, curtailment of breakdowns and stoppages in manufacturing sector and analysis of related options, H.R. specific issues in the light of local labour and H.R. laws and international certification requirements, sector specific pricing methodologies, costing tools in each industry, recapitalization issues in financial sector (current hot issue of First Women Bank), complex corporate and legal issues which no body learns in syllabus, import / export issues regulations and procedures of getting various export based or import based financings and many more like this....... I wonder if ACCA's simply learn it while they study their texts.
If not, and everything has to be learned by coming into practice and job, then in my view it is not a miracle of ACCA's texts.
This is the essense why I advocate CA and its so-called "RAGRA" which literally makes its students the business advisors.
So dears dont leave the arrows in the air towards the sky and talk about realities.
I am always here to debate on any thing if you people like me to do so. However, knowledge is not only my property. I reiterate that exposure comes with work and extreme hard work. Every one has to learn life long and this is never ending process. I again say this is the essense which normally (i dont talk about rare genius people like Goodman) is lacked in ACCAs, at least in Pakistan.
Best regards,
Ghussa kar gaey ho yaar!!!
I quote ur worries hereunder
can you people tell me the match of module 'C' or 'D' with ACCA, will it not be absurd for an ACCA who has done Advanced Audit and Assurance to retake module D's Audit, will it not be absurd for an ACCA who has passed Advanced Financial Management to attempt Module D's Cost Accounting paper, will it not be absurd for an ACCA who has passed P2(Corporate Reporting) to attempt Financial Accounting paper...
I dont know why a totally un-worried person is so worried about absured things. Why he so anxiously counts on exemptions, why he so precisely keeps record of percentages, papers and else concerning the exemptions from ICAP. Wonders!!!
As far as my view about ACCA are concerned, these are not going to IFAC or else. These are not professional opinions. These are my personal views and are being discussed on forum. Don't feel pain my friend. Reality has not to change.
I said biases always exist on both sides and every one wants to remain superior. This is a general attitude followed by the concept of "survival of the fittest".
So dears strive to remain the fittest and come up with handful of exposure and knoweldge. One day might the situation reverse and this ACCA may engulf all the professions. Now what is wrong in predicting the things this way. )
And more simply if you and your ACCAs dont have any worries and problems and audit is not ur destination then why you are taking stress. Try to prove ur worth in upcoming days. God will help you Inshallah. Cheers!!!
Another concept is too much rubbed here on this forum. ACCAs are business advisors/planners rather than simply the accountants. Mashallah. On the same time one friend has pointed out that ACCA becomes ACCA only when he has undergone the training and an affiliate is not ACCA as such. I feel amused while reading such stuff. On one hand it is not even agreed that affiliate who lacks the training is ACCA and on the other hand it is claimed that ACCA on its own is business advisor/planner. [means no role training plays]. And if training has to do everything then what the magic ACCA has done? The subjects which students learn during ACCA? I dont think these are much different than other streams. So this delima is not resolved that what makes ACCA a business advisor and not simply the acountant.
Lets take Pakistan's example (we can go beyond if required). What businesses ACCAs know in depth. Can a non-practising (becoz practice in my view is the essense) ACCA elaborate me his knowledge on following sectors (most important, in Pakistan)
- financial (everything relating to it)
- water and power
- oil and gas
- textile
- steel
- sugar
- fertilizer
- glass
- leather / tanneries
- traveling / tourism / transportation
- hoteling
- food
- construction and engineering etc
Do the ACCA's learn (in ACCA) about sector specific processes, technicalities, production methodologies formulae and rescipies, available synergies, restructurings in given scenarios, product specifications, sector specific bottlenecks and techniques to reduce cost, curtailment of inefficiencies in specific machineries and processes, curtailment of breakdowns and stoppages in manufacturing sector and analysis of related options, H.R. specific issues in the light of local labour and H.R. laws and international certification requirements, sector specific pricing methodologies, costing tools in each industry, recapitalization issues in financial sector (current hot issue of First Women Bank), complex corporate and legal issues which no body learns in syllabus, import / export issues regulations and procedures of getting various export based or import based financings and many more like this....... I wonder if ACCA's simply learn it while they study their texts.
If not, and everything has to be learned by coming into practice and job, then in my view it is not a miracle of ACCA's texts.
This is the essense why I advocate CA and its so-called "RAGRA" which literally makes its students the business advisors.
So dears dont leave the arrows in the air towards the sky and talk about realities.
I am always here to debate on any thing if you people like me to do so. However, knowledge is not only my property. I reiterate that exposure comes with work and extreme hard work. Every one has to learn life long and this is never ending process. I again say this is the essense which normally (i dont talk about rare genius people like Goodman) is lacked in ACCAs, at least in Pakistan.
Best regards,