03-06-2008, 09:38 PM
Dear Accounting Unlimited,
First getting the concept properly and then applying it on any number of questions is some other thing and feeling that one should not go to Spicer if he has read Gupta (or vice versa) is some other thing. If some body is not getting the concept by reading one book he should try the other. This carries no bar.
Further, even if the concept is clear by reading one book, is there any restriction to get it more clear by reading some other quality books. What a logic you have my friend? For concept only one book and for practice so many others. Mashallah. If practice in so many other books can give diversified knowledge then why not in concept more than one book can work. Is it banned by some well studied (I will not use learned as you have completed with your studies and I donât) guy like you so that minds are prohibited by default to get the concept further clearer.
One thing I must say that people like you tend to close the minds of their students. I see some students who know IFRS, standards and the things like what you say but when they work they cannot interpret the things practically beyond the limits of IFRS and other things interpretted to them by few books and learned teachers. They dont apply innovative ideas. They cannot offer any solution or product that is not told to them by teachers like you who donât let them or advise them to study and practice vigorously. You know some one has developed these IFRS and some one can (and even has to) change them as well in future. Research is required, problems have to be faced, mind has to be applied. There would never be a single concept technically all over the world and mentioned by all writers in the books.
There could be so much difference in approach and methodology for treating the same thing by different way outs. So complexed transactions and issues have to be faced in practical lives which, a man reading just one book and basing all concepts on merely one book or material, cannot even think about. For being a professional and for being updated, every effort is needed and nothing should be prohibited so far as it pertains to the focused profession and future objectives.
This is a general rule. I don't have a claim to have read all books and got all knowledge. This is a process of studying as well as learning. I am a student (though learner as well) and I don't see it reducing my position. You may see such things. You may one day find some difference between GOD and ALLAH and interfere othersâ language issues. You will appreciate that some difference exists between God and Allah. So you can say anything. This is the matter of what comes to mind. This is not a matter of what is concentrated by mind. You could be much wise and this wisdom is reflected in whatever you say. The extent, to which you feel concerned about words and language, depicts your interests in languages. Why you are wasting your time in accounting. Do opt for language studies and research. You may have some aptitude for it. This is just a friendly advice.
You pointed out that the use of holy Hadith by me for acquiring benefits which are for use of this world is not good. I will think on it. âButâ I feel that these AHADEES and guidance is to be used every where. Had this not been a case, there Naoozbillah would have been no importance for guiding us to go even to China for acquisition of knowledge since it was a worldly issue (as the religious knowledge was at ARAB) and why HADEES was Naoozbillah investing time in such issues. Islam is a lifeâs code. Do you agree? If you agree then there is nothing to disagree. If we will place world somewhere else and AKHRAT some where else then this may lead to worsen the worldly deeds done without the light of such guidance. Will not it? You may have different opinion. So many guys can have.
I have completely failed in saying that you tend to undermine Pakistani students. So you did pass. Congrats. Just to mention that when one says that I always see this problem in bala bala students and not anywhere else at franggiesâ country (while it is every where) then what would it mean for while nothing such thing is prohibited worldly, religiously, logically and conceptually. Do you still have to debate on proving it illogical?
No body was qualifying a report by saying that there could be good firms from number five to (say) number 30. Eyes can see it. In your earlier post you were talking only about big firms, I only clarified that after big there is a category which is not small and small do not typically produce huge number of CAs. I donât say that there is no small firm at all. I just say that their contribution is very meager and rarely any one gets qualified there-from. Eyes can locate and see. Do try for it. Yes for having knowledge after all one has to make an effort. If some one feels it wrong and wants to prove to the contrary he should institute some effort. Should he not? As far as qualifying the reports and reasons are concerned, you should re-visit the whole scenario. It is a two way process. Where the auditors have to state justification and have to quantify the impact of their qualification, the directors do have to, in response, address the issue raised by them in qualification, in their directors report published along with accounts /submitted to authorities. In Pakistan see section 236 of CO84 for Directorsâ responsibility in this regard. So effort has to be made by every one. Sweet dish is not likely to be found. However, no one is auditor here and no one is director. Is it so?
I am not a teacher who would run to texts for finding reasons. This ability rests with teachers only. Yes I get guidance from books to build up concepts and to study and learn. Replies to fellows like you could be given by personal interpretations and understanding. This is what concept is needed for. Yes, you can think that ICAEW and CFA qualifications cannot be used at Pakistan. I donât feel. It could be the matter of knowledge of sector specific requirements. How can I comment on your mindâs data-base regarding what requirements are there in Pakistanâs economy and in other countries. Pakistan is the country where investment of billion dollars had been rushing in recent years. It was at second top during these years among south Asian countries after China. Projects in every sector have been started and privatizations have invited investors of high net-worth in Pakistan.
This is ocean of profession and how one can say there is no application of such qualifications is beyond my apprehension. Reason may be that I am a student and you are a teacher (though not mine). Again I think one has to see whatâs going on to avoid giving vague statements. I can prove everything against what you have said and what you are saying specifically with reference to Pakistan and these qualifications. I can give you number of names of foreign qualified foreigners who are at foreign and have more than one memberships and qualifications. I can give you number of names of firms who are medium and have quality work (5 to 30 numbers probably). I can give you number of references where ICAEW and CFA can have a vast requirement here in Pakistan. But I just donât want to make an effort for a person who is educated ignorant. Had it been a student I might have done this for him. Stay cool. You are not correct. Mind it.
Current explosions could be a reason but I said it by seeing 60 years plus history of Pakistan. What cannot happen here. I love my country and any of such statement cannot reduce patriotism. This was to discuss a thing which may be made a part of plan. Donât you believe in this? Even if we are muslims examples of Habsha, Madina and others were given for humans in general and muslims in specific. There is nothing wrong in having plans. This cannot make any one franggee. However, by proving the âstudents and people of Pakistanâ as inferior to franggies could be termed as some inspiration from them. Yes, I agree that inspiration for good is not wrong. But inspiration for bad and making unjustifiable statements is wrong.
Itâs really good if you were not asking help from others. And rest assured no body was on knees if wished to reduce the mess. I told you like gets like. This was just a good gesture to ask you for reduction of mess. If you donât believe in reducing, I will keep on cleaning, for the sake of saving the new generation of Pakistan from wrong ideas spread by teachers like you.
Thanks for all advises and suggestions.
At the end I donât challenge your grip on languages, as said earlier. So stay happier.
First getting the concept properly and then applying it on any number of questions is some other thing and feeling that one should not go to Spicer if he has read Gupta (or vice versa) is some other thing. If some body is not getting the concept by reading one book he should try the other. This carries no bar.
Further, even if the concept is clear by reading one book, is there any restriction to get it more clear by reading some other quality books. What a logic you have my friend? For concept only one book and for practice so many others. Mashallah. If practice in so many other books can give diversified knowledge then why not in concept more than one book can work. Is it banned by some well studied (I will not use learned as you have completed with your studies and I donât) guy like you so that minds are prohibited by default to get the concept further clearer.
One thing I must say that people like you tend to close the minds of their students. I see some students who know IFRS, standards and the things like what you say but when they work they cannot interpret the things practically beyond the limits of IFRS and other things interpretted to them by few books and learned teachers. They dont apply innovative ideas. They cannot offer any solution or product that is not told to them by teachers like you who donât let them or advise them to study and practice vigorously. You know some one has developed these IFRS and some one can (and even has to) change them as well in future. Research is required, problems have to be faced, mind has to be applied. There would never be a single concept technically all over the world and mentioned by all writers in the books.
There could be so much difference in approach and methodology for treating the same thing by different way outs. So complexed transactions and issues have to be faced in practical lives which, a man reading just one book and basing all concepts on merely one book or material, cannot even think about. For being a professional and for being updated, every effort is needed and nothing should be prohibited so far as it pertains to the focused profession and future objectives.
This is a general rule. I don't have a claim to have read all books and got all knowledge. This is a process of studying as well as learning. I am a student (though learner as well) and I don't see it reducing my position. You may see such things. You may one day find some difference between GOD and ALLAH and interfere othersâ language issues. You will appreciate that some difference exists between God and Allah. So you can say anything. This is the matter of what comes to mind. This is not a matter of what is concentrated by mind. You could be much wise and this wisdom is reflected in whatever you say. The extent, to which you feel concerned about words and language, depicts your interests in languages. Why you are wasting your time in accounting. Do opt for language studies and research. You may have some aptitude for it. This is just a friendly advice.
You pointed out that the use of holy Hadith by me for acquiring benefits which are for use of this world is not good. I will think on it. âButâ I feel that these AHADEES and guidance is to be used every where. Had this not been a case, there Naoozbillah would have been no importance for guiding us to go even to China for acquisition of knowledge since it was a worldly issue (as the religious knowledge was at ARAB) and why HADEES was Naoozbillah investing time in such issues. Islam is a lifeâs code. Do you agree? If you agree then there is nothing to disagree. If we will place world somewhere else and AKHRAT some where else then this may lead to worsen the worldly deeds done without the light of such guidance. Will not it? You may have different opinion. So many guys can have.
I have completely failed in saying that you tend to undermine Pakistani students. So you did pass. Congrats. Just to mention that when one says that I always see this problem in bala bala students and not anywhere else at franggiesâ country (while it is every where) then what would it mean for while nothing such thing is prohibited worldly, religiously, logically and conceptually. Do you still have to debate on proving it illogical?
No body was qualifying a report by saying that there could be good firms from number five to (say) number 30. Eyes can see it. In your earlier post you were talking only about big firms, I only clarified that after big there is a category which is not small and small do not typically produce huge number of CAs. I donât say that there is no small firm at all. I just say that their contribution is very meager and rarely any one gets qualified there-from. Eyes can locate and see. Do try for it. Yes for having knowledge after all one has to make an effort. If some one feels it wrong and wants to prove to the contrary he should institute some effort. Should he not? As far as qualifying the reports and reasons are concerned, you should re-visit the whole scenario. It is a two way process. Where the auditors have to state justification and have to quantify the impact of their qualification, the directors do have to, in response, address the issue raised by them in qualification, in their directors report published along with accounts /submitted to authorities. In Pakistan see section 236 of CO84 for Directorsâ responsibility in this regard. So effort has to be made by every one. Sweet dish is not likely to be found. However, no one is auditor here and no one is director. Is it so?
I am not a teacher who would run to texts for finding reasons. This ability rests with teachers only. Yes I get guidance from books to build up concepts and to study and learn. Replies to fellows like you could be given by personal interpretations and understanding. This is what concept is needed for. Yes, you can think that ICAEW and CFA qualifications cannot be used at Pakistan. I donât feel. It could be the matter of knowledge of sector specific requirements. How can I comment on your mindâs data-base regarding what requirements are there in Pakistanâs economy and in other countries. Pakistan is the country where investment of billion dollars had been rushing in recent years. It was at second top during these years among south Asian countries after China. Projects in every sector have been started and privatizations have invited investors of high net-worth in Pakistan.
This is ocean of profession and how one can say there is no application of such qualifications is beyond my apprehension. Reason may be that I am a student and you are a teacher (though not mine). Again I think one has to see whatâs going on to avoid giving vague statements. I can prove everything against what you have said and what you are saying specifically with reference to Pakistan and these qualifications. I can give you number of names of foreign qualified foreigners who are at foreign and have more than one memberships and qualifications. I can give you number of names of firms who are medium and have quality work (5 to 30 numbers probably). I can give you number of references where ICAEW and CFA can have a vast requirement here in Pakistan. But I just donât want to make an effort for a person who is educated ignorant. Had it been a student I might have done this for him. Stay cool. You are not correct. Mind it.
Current explosions could be a reason but I said it by seeing 60 years plus history of Pakistan. What cannot happen here. I love my country and any of such statement cannot reduce patriotism. This was to discuss a thing which may be made a part of plan. Donât you believe in this? Even if we are muslims examples of Habsha, Madina and others were given for humans in general and muslims in specific. There is nothing wrong in having plans. This cannot make any one franggee. However, by proving the âstudents and people of Pakistanâ as inferior to franggies could be termed as some inspiration from them. Yes, I agree that inspiration for good is not wrong. But inspiration for bad and making unjustifiable statements is wrong.
Itâs really good if you were not asking help from others. And rest assured no body was on knees if wished to reduce the mess. I told you like gets like. This was just a good gesture to ask you for reduction of mess. If you donât believe in reducing, I will keep on cleaning, for the sake of saving the new generation of Pakistan from wrong ideas spread by teachers like you.
Thanks for all advises and suggestions.
At the end I donât challenge your grip on languages, as said earlier. So stay happier.