03-08-2008, 07:55 PM
It's easier for your "broad vision" to forget the issues where you eventually had to agree with facts and left your baseless argument. If you had continued I could have proven it to your satisfaction or disatisfaction. Beleive you me. But it's good that you left such issues which shows your agreement. So don't forget it.
Whatever CFAs do, and whatever they study is known to me. You just don't know that every thing which they do has been started here although it is somewhat on early stage. I expect it would be here very soon with full swing. If you visit libraries of stock exchanges you can see how many companies have started dealing with derivatives, futures arrangements and hedges etc. etc. Capital market, you have agreed, is already in full swing. Discount rates are higher locally as against abroad and investment accordingly flows here. Beta rates are higher in stocks quoted at exchanges. Excessive risks carry excessive rewards. This requires huge portfolio management issues. This is not an extensive length. CFAs would always be required here. Demand will grow. Remain there to observe.
I know professional qualifications do have over-lapping curriculums and so many of subjects are common. Accordingly so many businesses are common among various professionals in business. Jobs are also common. See advertisments where ACAs and CFAs are invited altogether for the same job. Should I send you detail of some banks where on similar jobs (at different banks) there are CFAs and ACAs working on elevated posts? In other examples, just check out who is leading NIT and who is leading NAFA (two biggest and well managed funds of Pkaistan). The man leading NIT is an FCA (a very kind senior in profession) while the man leading NAFA is a CFA. I just don't want to quote names. Open eyes my brother. Yes they don't ask you or me what to do about such positions and who is more fit. So judge the situation keeping yourself out of it. I know now you will raise some other question to perplex the situation but mind it reality is not to change. I know a man of your vision may not agree to the facts so easily. If I talk about some fronts where CFAs are needed it does not say there are no other fronts in which they get expertise. I only quoted examples. But your broad vision don't understand such things. What to say?
I did not know my agreeing to the development process of IFRS written by you could bring so much amount of pleasure for you. But you ignored that I said IFRSs don't come from skies. To comment on them, to dissent on them and to give new ideas for them requires open minds and wide knowledge and understanding. This is not just a matter of qualifying exams. Teachers like you should now stop giving guesses and tips and quoting study materials of their own choices. Let the people do hard work for their own-selves and for a collective betterment and improvement.
I don't know why you are there and what you would be doing there. You are a teacher who don't see what is said or submitted by other. I just asked you to put yourself in same plate and see where do you fall as per definition of patriotism given by you. You called in question the issue of patriotism. Did you cosult everything before making such comments. In fact you are the so-called decent person who does not see his deeds. I told you "like" is replied by "like". Don't forget the formula. If you would judge merely the words on face value, you will also be judged same way. Stay cool.
When you discuss "Approach" of pakistanis in the way you attempted, I wonder are you happened to be from some other race? Look back, you are also one of them whose approach is narrow in your broad vision. If it is narrow, try to broad it please.
Sometimes the one who is called the child (childish has different meaning; you are master of languages; you may know) proves his-self to the contrary. I don't use specific words.
Keep it up and come with some sound basis.
It's easier for your "broad vision" to forget the issues where you eventually had to agree with facts and left your baseless argument. If you had continued I could have proven it to your satisfaction or disatisfaction. Beleive you me. But it's good that you left such issues which shows your agreement. So don't forget it.
Whatever CFAs do, and whatever they study is known to me. You just don't know that every thing which they do has been started here although it is somewhat on early stage. I expect it would be here very soon with full swing. If you visit libraries of stock exchanges you can see how many companies have started dealing with derivatives, futures arrangements and hedges etc. etc. Capital market, you have agreed, is already in full swing. Discount rates are higher locally as against abroad and investment accordingly flows here. Beta rates are higher in stocks quoted at exchanges. Excessive risks carry excessive rewards. This requires huge portfolio management issues. This is not an extensive length. CFAs would always be required here. Demand will grow. Remain there to observe.
I know professional qualifications do have over-lapping curriculums and so many of subjects are common. Accordingly so many businesses are common among various professionals in business. Jobs are also common. See advertisments where ACAs and CFAs are invited altogether for the same job. Should I send you detail of some banks where on similar jobs (at different banks) there are CFAs and ACAs working on elevated posts? In other examples, just check out who is leading NIT and who is leading NAFA (two biggest and well managed funds of Pkaistan). The man leading NIT is an FCA (a very kind senior in profession) while the man leading NAFA is a CFA. I just don't want to quote names. Open eyes my brother. Yes they don't ask you or me what to do about such positions and who is more fit. So judge the situation keeping yourself out of it. I know now you will raise some other question to perplex the situation but mind it reality is not to change. I know a man of your vision may not agree to the facts so easily. If I talk about some fronts where CFAs are needed it does not say there are no other fronts in which they get expertise. I only quoted examples. But your broad vision don't understand such things. What to say?
I did not know my agreeing to the development process of IFRS written by you could bring so much amount of pleasure for you. But you ignored that I said IFRSs don't come from skies. To comment on them, to dissent on them and to give new ideas for them requires open minds and wide knowledge and understanding. This is not just a matter of qualifying exams. Teachers like you should now stop giving guesses and tips and quoting study materials of their own choices. Let the people do hard work for their own-selves and for a collective betterment and improvement.
I don't know why you are there and what you would be doing there. You are a teacher who don't see what is said or submitted by other. I just asked you to put yourself in same plate and see where do you fall as per definition of patriotism given by you. You called in question the issue of patriotism. Did you cosult everything before making such comments. In fact you are the so-called decent person who does not see his deeds. I told you "like" is replied by "like". Don't forget the formula. If you would judge merely the words on face value, you will also be judged same way. Stay cool.
When you discuss "Approach" of pakistanis in the way you attempted, I wonder are you happened to be from some other race? Look back, you are also one of them whose approach is narrow in your broad vision. If it is narrow, try to broad it please.
Sometimes the one who is called the child (childish has different meaning; you are master of languages; you may know) proves his-self to the contrary. I don't use specific words.
Keep it up and come with some sound basis.