03-31-2008, 09:01 PM
Dear 4thelement,
No body thought him as the most superior creation in this world. Whether any body is chik or not has nothing to do with ICAP members. No ICAP member called any one as CHIK at least on this forum. Abilities and apptitude can differ from person to person. This has little to do with specific qualifications at the outset phase. But with passage of time qualifications contribute in enhancing such capacities.
The intent is only to save some one who is going to take wrong decision about his future just for the reasons of certain mis-understandings created by irresponsible posts.
I always say that if some one makes a clear choice (without any ambguity) about any qualification and is ready to face all the after effects of his decisions, he is not covered under any discussion or debates undertaken on this topic.
Hope you are clarified.