04-28-2008, 06:50 PM
We should not follow what faranggie wants becoz if we are muslims we cannot affoard it. We have to save our next generation and keep them on Islam. This is true and every one would agree on it. Unfortunately we are doing nothing on this area due to whatever reasons. It's a reality that our Maulvi cannot attract the distracted youth becoz "Maulvi" (being used as a term) is itself most distracted at the moment. Islam never asked muslims to always follow categorized Maulvies. Every muslim should be a Maulvi in his ownself and should learn and practise Islam. This could be a solution.
Now the issue of "ghalba" by these so-called muslims on other nations through so-called Jehad is concerned, is a different story. We have and we can debate on it.
Islam does not prohibit planning and making reasonable and justifiable political strategies to ensure existence, progress, security, and safety. These all are however the responsibilities of our government and not of the so-called Jehadies Soofi Muhammad or Fazal-ullah. Such people are working on entirely a different agenda. In worldly perspective they are totally illiterate.
They may have learned the religion but when we talk about religion it is extremely a vast area with lots of sectoral differences and variations of beliefs and thoughts. No body is supposed to force his thought on the other. This has to be done in reconciliation with those who have difference with ecah other and no compulsion is there at all. These people of course cannot understand it.
I know the background of Soofi Muhammad. Fazalullah (son in law of Soofi) has made a state within the state while he is never represneted by majority of the people. He is basically running a Madrissa but has launched his own radio stations and wherefrom he threats the Pakistan army and has made his own army of such LAWARIS students. I never support Pak Army due to its extra judicial killings and lust for government. But when somebody will openly threaten it on radio it becomes logical to control him.
Yes, I agree that in areas like Swat it is very very hard to fix such people through ordinary attacks. Of course we cannot throw mini-atom bombs on them becoz it will take lives of so many innocents. Therefore, Goverment should have dealt with such people gradually and tactfully. This is not done and is the main reason of unstability. These pople should have been dealt with politically. There are so many ways to fix such people. Staretgy has not been used in recent past becoz government was done by army and army typically never thinks with mind. This could be seen from every act of Musharraf.
So politically saying relieving Soofi Muhammad could be a good step to alleviate the unstablitilty and harrasment of suicidal attacks by such scoundrals.
This, I feel, is a step towards fixing such elements politically. I agree that killing every one is not a solution and so much has to be negotiated to keep the show running.
Nothing of my post is to support such elements creating problems, harrasments, explosions, creating illegal state-within-state, implementing their own theology with fire and bullet on those who don't admire them etc.
These are the real criminals. Government will have to develope strategy to control them.
Let's see in long-term what happens.