07-22-2008, 06:29 PM
Dear Amir,
You have overflowed once again becoz something was not within the limits of your absrobption capacity. I can understand your problem. Such brim over is not out of apprehension.
If calling Allama Iqbal's character "a common man's character" is deemed to be an abuse then every common man should feel like abused when we will call him common man. Is not it? We all are common men. I don't know if you are something special in your own thought. I asked you to learn about the life of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. He, in his charater, was of course a common man. Have a meeting with his son (Mr. Javed Iqbal) or his grandson/nawasa (Sheikh Salli, a renowned kite flyer of Lahore) and conduct a detailed interview on personal life of their father/grandfather. I said personal life. Mind it. Yes, he was a great scholar and poet in other capacity. This is your basic problem. You give every one (liked by you) such sort of DARJA that your mind stops thinking. What any body else can do for you?
Like ever, once again your mind and eyes left working for you. Contrary to what you have pointed out, I no where gave any absolute statement that Iqbal was not waliallah. Rather I said
"I know so many of us believe him a Waliallah which he was not probably."
I don't know why your eyes did not see the word PROBABLY. This "probably" was only to show a mild feling of mine based upon study of his personal life. People may have different perceptions about others. There is no compulsion in following any one's own ideas.
You may do if you feel like denying true Ahaadees for your own purposes. Consult seven true books of Ahadees and you will find the Hadees quoted by me. It is also known to public at large in general. Becoz your companions are against the education in general and females' education in particular and basicaly are illetrate at their own, therefore, you people may not understand it.
I was probably not so educated to differentiate between COMMUNIST and KAAFIR. I am sorry my dear. ) He said he likes Kamal Attaturk but he no where said that he likes him due to communist thoughts. Whatever somebody's version is, if he is not decalred KAAFIR by IJMAH_E_UMMAT, calling him communist or kaafir is not a valid act. Yes if you have grouses and have reasons to say like this, it would be more appropriate to say that some one is a muslim but is even bad than non-muslims. Rest is up to you. I just pointed out a collusion of basic thoughts.
Thank you for reading my post.