10-04-2008, 07:34 PM
Dear Shoaib,
I don't disagree to a larger extent that indirectly the foreign agencies are doing this all. I mainly criticize this thought just because we have developed a habit of accusing others and keeping our home intact without giving the required treatment.
The involvement of foreign agencies and their presence and increased intrusion is not a story of one day. This has started from Russia-Afghan war and our so-called General Zia regime's wrong decision to fight for USA against Russia. In principle such generals had sold our lives and independence way back in 80s when we co-operated USA and created so-called mujaahideen. This was a mistake for all the times to come. Some of us proudly sing poems on Russian defeat considering it our sole achievement based upon Islamic reasons. Pata nahi kab aankhein khulein gee. Anyways.
There are always certain internal hands which create difficulties for the governments to oppose such intrusions. What you perceive, what will happen if we totally deny to co-operate this war on terror and abstain all sort of activities at that region? Would such powers will gently agree to our democratic rights and go back to their lands? You can answer it in a better way.
It's an established fact that these mullahs cannot harm USA or other advanced foreign nations directly. Even I don't principally feel that 9/11 was caused by some one from Mullah Umer followers. Still, I am very much convinced that Taaliban and their allies have created REASONABLE AND JUSTIFIABLE reasons for such foreign agencies to forcibly enter the region and for our governments to declare that this war is our war. Start from the incident of Indian plane hijacking and see the way out Taaliban adopted to make all the reasons over the time. We all understand that in globalize world we cannot survive doing such things specially when a world is finding reasons to destroy you.
At this point, I wish to mention that majority of Taaliban is Pakistani out rightly or have been trained in Pakistani madrissas. So it's no wonder if they are in Pakistan these days. In Punjab it was very common for criminals to hide in tribal areas after committing crimes. All major criminals of Spiah-e-Sahaba group like Riaz Basra used to hide in Afghanistan and tribal areas. These people always misused the name of Islam. Check out history of creation of Taaliban and you will find out their connection with Zial-ul-Haq mindset that continued willingly or un-willingly in BB's regime as well. Just like now Musharraf's mind set is by hook or crook required to be continued for survival although no one is his follower in essence. Give power to some one else (even the big opponents at the moment) and they will do the same thing.
Now I again come back to the main issue of your post. I don't have doubts that currently Taaliban are not doing in Pakistan what has been alleged to them. Off course they are guilty. This was caught up by further severity after Lal Masjid event. Yes this is another story that a large number of other criminals also have named their selves as Taalibans and some-how have joined them directly or indirectly. Majority of blasts are being done by them. No American is fighting at tribal area against other Tribesmen and against our army at the moment. These are off course Taaliban. The involvement of tribes with Pak army to fight them back has now proved it further.
In fact Taaliban have created reasons over the years for USA to interfere this region. They worked for USA in different capacities and with different logos and names during war against Russia. At that time they were paid mujaahids. And if we doubt that they are still working for USA (which I really doubt) to create reasons for their entry and long-ter stay in this region, they are supposed to do it successfully.
Media oftenly raises one issue that no terrorist has so far been captured either in Afghanistan or Pakistan. This is also a critical point to be noted.
I was shocked to hear that Lashkar-e-Tayubba tops have assets at USA which had been frozen by the US treasury department. What the hell is it? Do you understand something?
No US citizen comes here to blast bombs, kidnap Pakistani citizens and our guests from other countries and kill them wildly. This all is done by internal hands who in fact work for foreign agencies. Things require to be understood.
Simply ask yourself, "is it an issue for USA to capture Osama and his allies"? You will get the answer of the whole discussion.
So I don't deny what you have pointed out. But remember, they would have not been able to do this all, had our own criminals not made reasons for them to do so. And such reasons had not been made over night. These criminals include very big names for which people say Rehmatullah Alleh even.
Remember USA is the country who makes very long term plans and then issues world orders and makes new maps of the world and causes the countries like Pakistan to disappear from such anticipated maps of 2015. Now criminal is the one who joins hands with them and create reasons to make this dream come true. May Allah save us.