10-13-2008, 03:14 PM
At various times various exemptions and recognitions are provided by such institutes. Before pin pointing the name of some well recognized icon we should assess our own position. You or I may not become Hameed Ch. during whole of our life time. We should adopt some other methodology to discuss these things. Do you just know who is he?
In fact ICAP was not legally existing before 1961's CA Ordinance. Your question is outrightly wrong. In initial days of Pakistan there was no such professional body in our country. There was a designation titled (probably) General Accountants {I dont exactly remember how they were designated but it was a qualification/designation} which was existing before ICAP. Whenever some institite or body is established, at the outset, it does not have its own qualified people. Do we have minds to accept this basic fact? Therefore, at that point of time, various professionals who were in fact working as such were given full or partial exemptions by ICAP. It was to lay down the foundation stone. At that time even ICEAW and Indian qualified people were also made the part of it.
So, it is an evolution process, and could only be understood if we are able to understand the "bey yaar-o-madadgaar" history of Pakistan in those initial days. Even then no "NATHOO PHATHOO" was given such exemption and the General Accounatants, most of which were practicing, were given such recognition after complete evaluation.
"Nathoo Phathoos" are still not given exemption, although it is painful for their majority. The word Nathoo Phathoo is from punjabi language and positively means "IRRELEVANT" or "INCAPCITATED" in some specific context.