01-05-2009, 07:14 PM
Dear rabia-k
Thanks for your post and thanks for adding more benefit of ICAEW. I have been told that ICAP is not allowing ICAEW to conduct ICAEW professional stage examinations in Pakistan, although I have not checked with ICAEW yet.
I am aware of GAA. GAA was formed after ICAEW failed to merge with CIPFA and CIMA. Secondly want to know what tangible benefits GAA will bring. Could you kindly expalin.
One more thing CPA(USA) is part of GAA and CPA(USA) does not have MRA with any of other institute that are member of GAA, apart from ICAI(Ireland), if i am not wrong. In any case ICAP is not member of GAA.
CPA(Aus) has MRA with CPA(USA) but is not part of GAA.
What are you studying or are you member of any institute.
Thanks for your post and thanks for adding more benefit of ICAEW. I have been told that ICAP is not allowing ICAEW to conduct ICAEW professional stage examinations in Pakistan, although I have not checked with ICAEW yet.
I am aware of GAA. GAA was formed after ICAEW failed to merge with CIPFA and CIMA. Secondly want to know what tangible benefits GAA will bring. Could you kindly expalin.
One more thing CPA(USA) is part of GAA and CPA(USA) does not have MRA with any of other institute that are member of GAA, apart from ICAI(Ireland), if i am not wrong. In any case ICAP is not member of GAA.
CPA(Aus) has MRA with CPA(USA) but is not part of GAA.
What are you studying or are you member of any institute.