01-15-2009, 10:48 PM
I, at an early stage of discussion, felt that this man Khalid is insane. Since it was a truth I have posted it as well. I wonder if someone finds it difficult to conclude it so far.
Rabia, your post in response to mine, if seen by you with some focused thought, will lead you to the answers at your own. Let me tell you certain things again. As far as jobs are concerned, most of the accountancy jobs go to simple B.Com people in Pakistan. I don't compare B.Com with ACCA, rather I am telling you a fact. So merely finding job is not any merit if you are talking about premier category within a profession. If one catgory is not able to find what the premier one has, then I wonder what further you will take to understand.
As far as the matter of considerations, reasons, factors behind mutual recognition is concerned, I hoped in my previous post that it will be picked up by your mind if you will go through my previous posts. You see Sadaf agreed with my logic only because she had gone through the thread. Now, if you have gone through the thread and even then you could not get hold of it, this reflects you are an ACCA student.
Shoaib has concluded the differnce of ACCA at UK and ACCA from Pakistan (when compared for job openings at UK) in a nice manner. To reflect what he arrived I said there could be so many valid or invalid reasons. I think one should give some stress to his/her mind for understanding the things. So work hard, one day you will be able to understand it as well.
Please go through the whole list of 80 countries you will come to know why the word 80 requires to be concluded as so called. If you still find ambiguity in it what can I do for you. When you will feel proud of recognition at so many countries like Ghana, what can others do for you. Further, mind it, at Pakistan ACCA is a non profit association registered as company under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Check out and come back to me if you find something different. If you call it recognition who can help you buddy?
The shame/disrespect/disregard/ are not my words. These are used by pro-acca insane stuff. I just told you that if the criteria is same then why should it not apply at India and Pakistan? You did not come up with any logic to answer my question. If you find India and Pakistan un-important even being a Pakistani what else you want should depict your insecurity believeing in your existence as Pakistani?
Nice comparison! I said it's easier to find out the insanity and you grasped it soon probably for the reason you have seen so many posts on this thread to examin this man.
You are such a nice contributor. I must say people like you are assets of the nation. Keep it up buddy.
Hows your CFA going? Has it started? The debate on this forum, aww, I know it has been a wastage of time but in my view some one should have been there to sacrifice for creating the balance.
People like you cannot even dream what Pracs is. I am not referring to his job position or earning capacity etc. It's beyond these measures.
I always said that ACCA could be a good qualification for those who do it considering it best in comparison, and for those who do it for enhancing the knwoledge base or memberships for certain plans or reasons or for those who use it as gate-way without any ambiguity and mis-conception in mind. The failures are those who opt it after getting failed from others and eventually start talking GRAPES ARE SOUR!!!
I think this should be my last post on this thread unless something warrants getting clarification.
Best regards,