02-02-2009, 10:20 PM
Muhammad Amir
So you did not study to make money. SO you are saying you did ACCA not to earn money but for some other reasons. Can you kindly disclose your reason. If your motive behind studying ACCA was not money then y r u complaining about 6,000 rupees. You should be happy to work in that amount. Please do not complaint. ICAP students also work in this money.
If you think qualiied people should not work in industry then I have nothing you say. You mentioned you are changing your field. Best of luck in your field. and if you think qualified should not work in industry, then plz do not complaint about money audit firm will give you.
I am not here to persuade anyone that ACCA or ICAEW is good qualification. If you dont like them you are FREE to move ahead. But please do remember there are people who are interested.
You wanted to serve your country so Rabia gave you right advise to join army, but you want to join police so that you can make money.
Anyway i hope you will never work in industry as quality people do not work there. i also hope not to see you again crying about money audit firms pay in Pakistan. So be happy in 6000.
Best of luck.
So you did not study to make money. SO you are saying you did ACCA not to earn money but for some other reasons. Can you kindly disclose your reason. If your motive behind studying ACCA was not money then y r u complaining about 6,000 rupees. You should be happy to work in that amount. Please do not complaint. ICAP students also work in this money.
If you think qualiied people should not work in industry then I have nothing you say. You mentioned you are changing your field. Best of luck in your field. and if you think qualified should not work in industry, then plz do not complaint about money audit firm will give you.
I am not here to persuade anyone that ACCA or ICAEW is good qualification. If you dont like them you are FREE to move ahead. But please do remember there are people who are interested.
You wanted to serve your country so Rabia gave you right advise to join army, but you want to join police so that you can make money.
Anyway i hope you will never work in industry as quality people do not work there. i also hope not to see you again crying about money audit firms pay in Pakistan. So be happy in 6000.
Best of luck.