04-02-2009, 12:52 AM
Your entering into ICAI and then running out of it is the most hilarious and humiliating act if you can feel what disgrace is meant for. Your above words prove you are a failure and absconder.
You don't know what you have to do and when have to do and you are raising objections on ICAP and its members.
Yes, some one will confirm from ACCA your status in 2006 when you wrote you were ACCA. Mind it the status has to be inquired pertaining to 2006. Don't worry, some one will do it.
You don't know what you have to do and when have to do and you are raising objections on ICAP and its members.
Yes, some one will confirm from ACCA your status in 2006 when you wrote you were ACCA. Mind it the status has to be inquired pertaining to 2006. Don't worry, some one will do it.