04-09-2009, 05:51 PM
Its a wrong impression being portrayed mostly by NGOs that some sort of "Taliban" would soon take over the whole Pakistan. This is only a part of international propaganda only to undermine the strategic interests of Pakistan. Now Armed Forces of Pakistan are being charged with having links with Taliban & Alqaida. Its sheer propaganda against the soverignity of Pakistan. Drones Attacks on FATA & various other areas are being carried on in order to destroy the loyalties of patriotic Pakistani's whereas none of the any big leader of Taliban or Alqaida has been reported or claimed to be hit in so many such drone attacks yet the civilian casualities are going to increase. Now After FATA comes the Baluchistan where Americans are planning (also announced)to attack in so called search for Alqaida and Taliban. What the hell is this? Terror is being spreaded with the label of war on terror (acutally war for terror). Now the role of MQM is questionable in such a situation when it tries to give the impression that the whole Karachi is surounded by the Taliban, and attempting to declare a religious political party, which has a good vote bank in Karachi, also as Talibans, and that MQM is the only party which can save Karachi from being taken over by such Talibans. So indirectly they are trying to invite Americans to carry out such drone attack operations even in the 3rd big province of Pakistan i.e Sindh. Now worst is that some of the people(political parties and NGOs) are trying it hard to make Americans to believe that these Talibans would soon make the Whole Pakistan as hostage that would wage war against all the remaining world which is acutally adding fuel to fire and making the situation more critical.