05-09-2009, 12:04 AM
Hello Salman
thanks for the recommendation, actually i know the websites of all RAETs but we can't find such experience from the web as a person obtain live thats why i am asking about it from the experienced people so that they share thier experience and then i take my decisions.....
We can check fee list, syllabus, books, previous papers, institute building and extras about an institute form a website but we can check out the standard of study, teaching system, faculity experience and method of teaching and many other things like that we can't judge from the website thats why i am concerning the different kind of experienced persons,,, thanks for your kind information.....
If you can contact your neigbhourers again please inform me about the inner system, status and situations of the TSA, i will be thankfull to you forever...
Best regardings
Take care and good bye.....
thanks for the recommendation, actually i know the websites of all RAETs but we can't find such experience from the web as a person obtain live thats why i am asking about it from the experienced people so that they share thier experience and then i take my decisions.....
We can check fee list, syllabus, books, previous papers, institute building and extras about an institute form a website but we can check out the standard of study, teaching system, faculity experience and method of teaching and many other things like that we can't judge from the website thats why i am concerning the different kind of experienced persons,,, thanks for your kind information.....
If you can contact your neigbhourers again please inform me about the inner system, status and situations of the TSA, i will be thankfull to you forever...
Best regardings
Take care and good bye.....