09-25-2009, 09:48 PM
When we say that we don't have any intellectual in Pakistan it does not mean that brains are not being produced or the thought cultivation process has been stopped some where.
The lamers appearing on media (TV, websites, newspapers) are ex-army officials, so-called pillars of establishment, blackmailing journalists and on some fronts failed politicians and a few Maulanas who feel somewhat deprived of the BANDER BAANT process benefiting others like them. These people are given utmost prominance since their entertainers know they will never speak unbiased truth and will always portray what a specific need of time calls for. Unfortunately, majority of us believe them to be heros, focal point for creating a cohesive thought and a ray of hope. This strengthens them further and they keep on being accepted as intellectuals.
As far as some others are concerned, they either have a different preference for expression of their intellect abilities, or lack the critic's attitude or had remained dependent upon the parallel system of corruption which ultimately reduced their voice to minimal and pushed them to the thin corner of existence.
I don't allege such positive mindsets for anything but the circumstances have maligned their abilities or made them far more concerned for their own problems and issues which eventually resulted in maaking them quite ineffective. Most of them are fighting the war of their own existence. Further, as we knowingly elect the corrupts and at so many locations ignore the right contestants, we also knowingly ignore the positive voice of such pressurized brains.
At last but not least, our variant religious schools of thought have accidentally proved to be the biggest negative point and obstacle in our development and thought provoking process. We are not united on any single facet of life. Some-how we have based our every quest on the FACT that this is a temporary world and we have to eventually leave it. We never try to understand that what the temporary world means in fact and what social duties and obligations our religion imposes on us. The one who will be made to learn from the childhood that you are here for few days, you have to die so soon, and you need not to waste your time on worldly matters and issues so forth and so on. My God, what he will create, develope, polish and convey to others for the benefits of the times to come and for the people of the times to come.
Odyssee, don't ask me more my brother; we cannot have inteligentsia even in future.