03-07-2004, 08:15 PM
youre right, i forgot to mention that going for a grad degree and going for the SOA or IoA is NOT the same. thanks for pointing out. they are 2 diff routes for studying the subject but are not equal.
DT, where are you studying for your degree? what year are you in and how's it going? i wanted to ask you, how many exemptions does a bsc honours in actuarial science get from the total exams of the IoA? and how many with the SOA? with a masters you said it's 13 out of 15 with the IoA. how may with the SOA?
TCA, I am studying BSc. Actuarial Science at the London School of Economics, London UK and this agree allows you to get upto 9 exemptions from the IOA, depending upon your progress / degree classification. On a safer side, you need a FIRST CLASS degree to get 100 Series Exemptions.
MSc. in Actuarial Management from University of Kent, UK and City University, UK, are the ONLY two courses in the whole UK, to my knowledge, that would allow you to get exemptions from the 300 Series exams of the IOA. Again, this depends upon your progress.
Since, I study and hoping to embark my practical Actuarial Career in the London / UK, therefore, I donot have much information about the SOA. I think you should get such information yourself, since you appreciated the fact that you have all the insight into the profession / routes, in your first post in this thread... lol
No seriously, I think you should get the required information from the SOA directly. I am afraid, I don't have any contacts there. If you need any information, re IOA, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Re how is it getting on, I think the course is implicitly quite tough enough, since not only we need to get good marks but we also look for getting exemptions as well, which yet alone is quite hard to achieve.