10-21-2009, 01:24 AM
sorry bro there is only 1 entrance test. subjects tested were accounting e.g cash flow, ias 17, ias 10.. there were a lot of descriptive questions like accounting treatment of sale and leaseback arrangements resulting in finance and operating lease.
auditing was tested isa 600
english with a lot of idioms and essay on "role of infrastructure development in the economic development of a country"
ias 12 was tested
50 marks paper for 1.5 hrs...
tell me are u ca or acca.......
auditing was tested isa 600
english with a lot of idioms and essay on "role of infrastructure development in the economic development of a country"
ias 12 was tested
50 marks paper for 1.5 hrs...
tell me are u ca or acca.......