01-04-2010, 05:46 PM
1) How do We Compare ICAP and ICMAp ???
First, You must take a A4 size Page, Scale, Pencil, Rubber, Shopner. now draw a line Vertically in middle of Page, now on left Console write the Heading ICAP and on right Console Write the Heading ICMAP, you may underline the Headings with help of Scale in order to Add Beauty.
Second, You must know the Features, Programms, Policies, Acceptibility, Passing anf Failing rates, Balla Balla of each institues. Write All good and Bad Things of both institutes. This may involve lot of Efforts.
After doing so much work Take a Break for a while and come back and Evaluate Pros and Cons of BOth. Examine and Weight good and bad Points of both Institutes.I think Thats how you can compare ICAP and ICMAP.
If I could be of any Further Assistance, Please feel free to Ask me. OF course Thats why we all are here to help others and to get help form others.
Best Regards.
First, You must take a A4 size Page, Scale, Pencil, Rubber, Shopner. now draw a line Vertically in middle of Page, now on left Console write the Heading ICAP and on right Console Write the Heading ICMAP, you may underline the Headings with help of Scale in order to Add Beauty.
Second, You must know the Features, Programms, Policies, Acceptibility, Passing anf Failing rates, Balla Balla of each institues. Write All good and Bad Things of both institutes. This may involve lot of Efforts.
After doing so much work Take a Break for a while and come back and Evaluate Pros and Cons of BOth. Examine and Weight good and bad Points of both Institutes.I think Thats how you can compare ICAP and ICMAP.
If I could be of any Further Assistance, Please feel free to Ask me. OF course Thats why we all are here to help others and to get help form others.
Best Regards.