02-17-2010, 03:38 PM
assalam u aliekum.
i am impressed by the way you have researched on this matter.i have also been researching alot on this matter because i am also confused whether to choose icap or icaew.
i am <b>acca prof module student </b> and will be over with the studies soon.i am in karachi.
there are a few things i would like to point out.when i was working on this matter i found out that we cannot claim <b>exemption on exemption</b>.that means that after acca you can claim exemption for icaew but then you cannot get exemption on basis of icaew for icap.u will get exemptions on basis of acca for icap again.the same thing goes if you want do icap after acca and then icaew.
i am not completely sure,maybe the ground realities may have changed by now but please please do confirm that beacuse if this thing is true then we have to make another strategy then.
now as a prospective student of icaew,i would really want to know from which institue in isb are you doing icaew and where the final papers are held in pakistan(which city?).i want to ask because i maybe shifting back to pindi.and lately i have been really searching out what to pursue and from where.icap and icaew are the two options i really want to do but i dont know which one to do first.
kindly be in contact,you will be a lot of help to me.i hope you are a regular active member on this forum.if you are not please do give me you e-mail id if you dont mind.i really need guidance and advice.
thanking you.