02-28-2010, 07:09 AM
Not supporting less stipend rates and at the same time all the arguments are being provided to prove to the contrary! Not strange as it's not been seen for the first time. And advice well noted that trainees in addition to their 4 years 24/7 yet SO CALLED services should pay to the firms as the owe because beyond any doubt whatever they learn is due to the exposure they get from a firm. One of the benefits of such policy will be that the problem that caused this thread to be initiated will not be there anymore. Similar policies should be there for the graduates who go for their first job, as the experience they get sometimes may be more worthy than their salary. Medicine students should pay to the hospital for their house job, and MTOs to their respective organizations. The problem of unemployment in an economy undergoing recession can altogether eradicated by such means. The privileged members of our Institute have always got solution for every problem.