04-27-2004, 08:53 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Assalmualaikum to all, dear frendz i have recently donr M com and now want to do ACCA. i will have exemption of first 5 papers, i wanna ask u that is ACCA has any worth in pakistan? can i get a better job after that? wether i will b able to do it cuz i came to know that it is difficult to do with job, as i also want to finance myself, moreover there r some of my frendz who r struk in the part 1 from 2 years, ther r making me hopeless. I m verymuch dissappointes i want ur suggestion. plz reply. i'll b highly thankful 4 ur cooperation
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
AF, why don't you try studying for ACA (ICAEW) or CA (ICAP), assuming you are a post-graduate degree holder. Although, I don't technically belong to the accountancy profession, but, never the less, I have quite a few friends into the Profession, working for Big 4, and whenever we happen to chat about which qualification has better career opportunities, their first responce is always ACA. I am also aware of some technical aspect of these qualifications, like for some qualifications, you cant practice within pakistan until unless you don't pass relevant exams from ICAp, for instance, but I hope seniours would correct if I am mistaken some where.
Anyways, as I always say to my juniors, it's not what you know that matters in the business world, its 'how' you present it that is much more important.
Assalmualaikum to all, dear frendz i have recently donr M com and now want to do ACCA. i will have exemption of first 5 papers, i wanna ask u that is ACCA has any worth in pakistan? can i get a better job after that? wether i will b able to do it cuz i came to know that it is difficult to do with job, as i also want to finance myself, moreover there r some of my frendz who r struk in the part 1 from 2 years, ther r making me hopeless. I m verymuch dissappointes i want ur suggestion. plz reply. i'll b highly thankful 4 ur cooperation
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
AF, why don't you try studying for ACA (ICAEW) or CA (ICAP), assuming you are a post-graduate degree holder. Although, I don't technically belong to the accountancy profession, but, never the less, I have quite a few friends into the Profession, working for Big 4, and whenever we happen to chat about which qualification has better career opportunities, their first responce is always ACA. I am also aware of some technical aspect of these qualifications, like for some qualifications, you cant practice within pakistan until unless you don't pass relevant exams from ICAp, for instance, but I hope seniours would correct if I am mistaken some where.
Anyways, as I always say to my juniors, it's not what you know that matters in the business world, its 'how' you present it that is much more important.