07-09-2003, 11:24 PM
Dear Ozair
I will not lower myself to your standard by answering in the same tone you have used in your message. But i do have a few questions and comments.
You have just stated that MYAS was affliated with HLB before going for DTT. Does the working style of HLB include copying audit working papers and disclosures from your peer firms?
Why did MYAS have to hire so many supervisors from other (read better) firms? Why didnt it promote supervisors from its own cadres? Was it because of the fact that your own management themsleves realise that they have not prepared an able, competent workforce which could be presented in front of the Gora Sahib (DTT)?
As far as the grading of SBP is concerned, there are quite a few firms (around 10 or more, although i am not sure) which are in the top grade , do you think that all of them deserve DTT membership? I don't think so! And please don't brag about having major banks as your clients. SBP has a policy of appointing one of the top three firms as the major firm in the engagement and a minor firm to go alongwith it. Can you name a bank where MYASCO has audited with a lesser firm? The fact is that MYASCO was always appointed as the "other" firm to go along with one of the top three.
And for ICAP (and ICMAP), we all know that they can't stand up against Mr. MYAS, who is one of the bigger power players in the industry, so even if MYASCO does something dirty, it would be as they say... simply brushed under the carpet.
Dear Ozair, you address me in such a way which touches profanity, but on the other hand you remind me of Allah, Kindly refrain from being so hypocritical. It hurts you and your fellow MYASCO collegues' image.
I have no personal enmity towards MYASCO. I could even care less if they eventually get or don't get DTT's membership. I don't get sleepless nights over their lousy working style either. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> But i sure as hell know that i wouldnt want to appoint or waste my audit fee on a firm which promotes copying of working papers and disclosures from other firms!
Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!
I will not lower myself to your standard by answering in the same tone you have used in your message. But i do have a few questions and comments.
You have just stated that MYAS was affliated with HLB before going for DTT. Does the working style of HLB include copying audit working papers and disclosures from your peer firms?
Why did MYAS have to hire so many supervisors from other (read better) firms? Why didnt it promote supervisors from its own cadres? Was it because of the fact that your own management themsleves realise that they have not prepared an able, competent workforce which could be presented in front of the Gora Sahib (DTT)?
As far as the grading of SBP is concerned, there are quite a few firms (around 10 or more, although i am not sure) which are in the top grade , do you think that all of them deserve DTT membership? I don't think so! And please don't brag about having major banks as your clients. SBP has a policy of appointing one of the top three firms as the major firm in the engagement and a minor firm to go alongwith it. Can you name a bank where MYASCO has audited with a lesser firm? The fact is that MYASCO was always appointed as the "other" firm to go along with one of the top three.
And for ICAP (and ICMAP), we all know that they can't stand up against Mr. MYAS, who is one of the bigger power players in the industry, so even if MYASCO does something dirty, it would be as they say... simply brushed under the carpet.
Dear Ozair, you address me in such a way which touches profanity, but on the other hand you remind me of Allah, Kindly refrain from being so hypocritical. It hurts you and your fellow MYASCO collegues' image.
I have no personal enmity towards MYASCO. I could even care less if they eventually get or don't get DTT's membership. I don't get sleepless nights over their lousy working style either. <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> But i sure as hell know that i wouldnt want to appoint or waste my audit fee on a firm which promotes copying of working papers and disclosures from other firms!
Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!