06-25-2010, 09:35 PM
well nice topic kasim and i personally feel there is a lot need to be taught about interset to its new users. I think it should be treated in the same way when parents give special attention to their children entering into youth to guide them. same way it is a big lack in our society about proper guidance of how to use net. internet is a tool that can do wonders both constructive and destructive based on its way of usage.
as far as i'm concerned, my first use of internet was chatting, and second was pornography. internet to me had no third use than these two and than our computer got weired and net was absent for a long time (and it was the time when i concentrated again on my studies)than at times i was using cafes for chatting.
but now i've realized that net is a very powerful tool to learn. to educate ourselves. e.g. the same youtube where once i used to see clips can be used to eatch tutorials about usage of accounting softwares, anything. making and dismantling equipments. its a side of youtube that i was blind totally. i regret on this issue that our society teaches us the negative useage of things ( i dont know what others have faced about this issue but i'm putting down what i've come across)
and i think same goes for mobile usage, what is the use of different packages prevailing in our society. i dont know how issues concerning our youth can be addressed but there should be awareness in the society
as far as i'm concerned, my first use of internet was chatting, and second was pornography. internet to me had no third use than these two and than our computer got weired and net was absent for a long time (and it was the time when i concentrated again on my studies)than at times i was using cafes for chatting.
but now i've realized that net is a very powerful tool to learn. to educate ourselves. e.g. the same youtube where once i used to see clips can be used to eatch tutorials about usage of accounting softwares, anything. making and dismantling equipments. its a side of youtube that i was blind totally. i regret on this issue that our society teaches us the negative useage of things ( i dont know what others have faced about this issue but i'm putting down what i've come across)
and i think same goes for mobile usage, what is the use of different packages prevailing in our society. i dont know how issues concerning our youth can be addressed but there should be awareness in the society