07-06-2010, 10:35 PM
used only the approved text and kits (bbp or ftc) and make sure that you cover the whole syllabus. this is the tip i can give you from my side.
as far as institutes are concerned, sir aapne yeh nahin bataaya k aap konsi city mein hain
<font color="green"><font size="4"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><center>PAKISTAN ZINDABAD</center></font id="Comic Sans MS"></font id="size4"></font id="green">
as far as institutes are concerned, sir aapne yeh nahin bataaya k aap konsi city mein hain
<font color="green"><font size="4"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><center>PAKISTAN ZINDABAD</center></font id="Comic Sans MS"></font id="size4"></font id="green">