08-06-2010, 07:53 PM
Your question is about the assumption of going-concern as a nation and is not merely focused on CA profession solely.
When we talk about the economy, we don't have capacity to absorb the increasing population on every front be it whatever profession or field. You name it, medical, engineering, law, accountancy, agriculture, industry....whatever.
Further, the global genies wish to and are substantially successful in dividing us, destroying our systems and strengths, eliminating our unity, stopping our growth on all fronts and destructing our whole social setup by using our own hands against us. I repeat, they are quite substantially successful in breaking our back-bone. They are using same tactics which at some point of time we used considering ourselves the most intelligent creature. We just forgot that our enemies had the capacity to absorb such jerks but we did not.
So, this is entirely another issue to be discussed and taken care of by the planners where we have historically remained failed to merely realize the situation; or the planners knowingly never tried to concentrate on it.
The question of growth and capacity building can only be raised after the question of basic survival has been satisfactorily answered. Here we cannot answer the question of even below the poverty line survival of our citizens. We, as their custodians and emperors, cannot provide any assurance as to their lives and belongings as the citizen of this so-called Islamic Democratic Welfare State. At the top of all, our citizens are also from the same breed and logically deserve same treatment as well. When people cross the limits, nature also gives them the due lesson; but unfortunately, historians have never quoted instances where such lessons might have been learnt by the people. So, no wonders if we are doing the same thing as well.
We are on the lip of the black-hole of destruction as a nation; we have half fallen and the remaining half is about to fall in such a pit of deep disrespect, dirt, failure and wrath. The question that which profession will perform in what manner has become gravely insignificant at the moment.
Notwithstanding the above, the going-concern assumption is still there, at least as per our perception; and using such perception when we discuss a given qualification, we have to see what it takes and what it produces. I would have not agreed on the bottleneck reported by you because of a belief on such going-concern assumption, had I not been feeling messed up by the continuing disasters being faced by the nation and economy and due to the recent incidents which have almost eradicated all the hopes of a corrective revival.
You are right; the day of our entire destruction is not far sighted. The correction can only be made when we all will correct ourselves at our individual levels. I always say correction starts from me and from you. Unfortunately, we never realize and practice this formula.
So, don't merely ask about what will be the future of CAs in such circumstances; rather raise this question on the going concern assumption of this nation, its survival, this socio-economic setup, this brother-hood, this so-called untrue islamic thought, and this country as a whole.
I guarantee you that if such assumption on other fronts would be appropriate, CA profession will also remain intact and prosperous.