08-18-2010, 07:03 PM
Question is can two or more persons input all such data on different computer systems having required software and later on can all their individual inputs can be combined on one single computer system to prepare single report (to be submitted to sales tax department) or is there any other way to have all inputs in lessor time by assging same job to two or more people at the same time.
Sales tax returns could be filed electronically FBR website portal for sales tax. There are two options available on web portal
1. enter all input data ( Name of Party, Party NTN or STRN, Number of Invoices, Value Inclusive Sales Tax, Amount of Sales Tax and Value Excluding Sales Tax etc)one by one on online form appearing on the portal.
2. MS Excel based sample file is available on the portal, we have to download such file, input data in relevant columns and after completing all the required fields upload this file to FBR web portal.
In your case you can not use the option 1 as you want work sharing which could not possible on online input of data. In case of option 2 MS Excel file could be downloaded and shared between number of co workers to input there relevant data. So, the there is no separate software which is provided by FBR but MS Excel.
Q-am i not required to input sales invoices data to claim refund?
Sales refund in fact is the difference of sales tax you have received on behalf of FBR and Sales Tax you have to pay to other parties at the time of purchase. e.g
Purchase 100 units @ Rs 5 each = 500
Sales Tax @ 16% = 80
Purchase Value = 580
Sales 50 Units @ Rs 6 each = 300
Sales tax @ 16% = 48
Value of Sales = 348
In above case your input sales tax on purchase is Rs 80 and output sales tax on sales is Rs 48 so Rs 32 will be sales tax refundable to you. What the Excel sheet (FBR Software So called) do only Deduct input out of output to calculate tax refundable or tax payable.
If you will not input sales invoice data how the amount of refund could be calculated? Sales tax refund could be claimed only if you have a refundable amount and have proper sales tax invoices in support of such purchases or sales.
Q-what type of care is required for preparing stock report so that sales tax walay us per object na karain?
If you have 10 Pencils in your box (opening stock) at beginning of the day, 20 Pencils purchases by you and 5 pencils you have sold during the day closing balance in your hand (Closing Stock) will by 10+20-5=25. The 25 is your closing stock, so in above case you submit details of your sales and purchase and opening stock to the FBR so closing stock should be reconciled with your sales and purchase quantity that you have submitted through your returns.
Q-and also plz tell how to create database server and clints? to use this s/w on multy stations.
Such Excel file could be stored on any computer and shared with different users at there station by file sharing options and placing it in shared folder. e.g right click on excel file go to properties to allow multi persons modification. etc.
Question is can two or more persons input all such data on different computer systems having required software and later on can all their individual inputs can be combined on one single computer system to prepare single report (to be submitted to sales tax department) or is there any other way to have all inputs in lessor time by assging same job to two or more people at the same time.
Sales tax returns could be filed electronically FBR website portal for sales tax. There are two options available on web portal
1. enter all input data ( Name of Party, Party NTN or STRN, Number of Invoices, Value Inclusive Sales Tax, Amount of Sales Tax and Value Excluding Sales Tax etc)one by one on online form appearing on the portal.
2. MS Excel based sample file is available on the portal, we have to download such file, input data in relevant columns and after completing all the required fields upload this file to FBR web portal.
In your case you can not use the option 1 as you want work sharing which could not possible on online input of data. In case of option 2 MS Excel file could be downloaded and shared between number of co workers to input there relevant data. So, the there is no separate software which is provided by FBR but MS Excel.
Q-am i not required to input sales invoices data to claim refund?
Sales refund in fact is the difference of sales tax you have received on behalf of FBR and Sales Tax you have to pay to other parties at the time of purchase. e.g
Purchase 100 units @ Rs 5 each = 500
Sales Tax @ 16% = 80
Purchase Value = 580
Sales 50 Units @ Rs 6 each = 300
Sales tax @ 16% = 48
Value of Sales = 348
In above case your input sales tax on purchase is Rs 80 and output sales tax on sales is Rs 48 so Rs 32 will be sales tax refundable to you. What the Excel sheet (FBR Software So called) do only Deduct input out of output to calculate tax refundable or tax payable.
If you will not input sales invoice data how the amount of refund could be calculated? Sales tax refund could be claimed only if you have a refundable amount and have proper sales tax invoices in support of such purchases or sales.
Q-what type of care is required for preparing stock report so that sales tax walay us per object na karain?
If you have 10 Pencils in your box (opening stock) at beginning of the day, 20 Pencils purchases by you and 5 pencils you have sold during the day closing balance in your hand (Closing Stock) will by 10+20-5=25. The 25 is your closing stock, so in above case you submit details of your sales and purchase and opening stock to the FBR so closing stock should be reconciled with your sales and purchase quantity that you have submitted through your returns.
Q-and also plz tell how to create database server and clints? to use this s/w on multy stations.
Such Excel file could be stored on any computer and shared with different users at there station by file sharing options and placing it in shared folder. e.g right click on excel file go to properties to allow multi persons modification. etc.