08-26-2010, 08:16 PM
Social justice, equal distribution of wealth, facilitation to general public and de-centralized empowerment; this all is very good for raising meaningful debate. Yet, this all follows a state that is called survival and sustainability.
This survival and sustainability is the question to be answered first of all; and we, who had been considering some nations so poor and helpless, should learn how those nations have taken the correct path that will lead to satisfactory answer to such a question. All other phases will start after this automatically, although I agree that nothing will happen over a night.
In Ayub regime, analysts came from Malaysia to see what policies Pakistan was following to produce remarkable economic results. Pakistan was at that time the most fastly growing islamic economy. Now, the gap between Malaysia and Pakistan cannot be parted with in next 25-50 years I guess. Same Malaysia that was so inspired from us that could not help studying our policies. What makes this gap to occur? This has to be studied and this has to be found.
If we can correct ourselves on this aspect, others CAN follow; however, if this remains uncorrected, others WILL NEVER follow.
The ingredients to make this happen successfully have been discussed in the above article. Every one is wise enough to find out such ingredients. Honesty as a nation and with the nation, is the basic pre-requisite however.
Best regards,