06-04-2011, 10:30 PM
Welcome.Following are the weightages mentioned in our syllabus
Practical testWeightages
Windows and Internet5
Microsoft Excel10
Microsoft Word7
Microsoft PowerPoint5
Microsoft Access5
Microsoft Project4
Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express4
Powerpoint and Word are very easy so focus on them to get good marks.Practically,you'll be using Excel the most and it has also been given the most syllabus weightage so give it alot of time,especially the Menu Bar.Moderate knowledge of XP is okay but it's better to have extensive knowledge of Office,at least of Word,Excel and Powerpoint.It is much easier to gain marks in the practical than in the IT theory paper.I have got some downloaded material for CCPT,if you want to use it,email me and I will forward it to you.Good luck!
Practical testWeightages
Windows and Internet5
Microsoft Excel10
Microsoft Word7
Microsoft PowerPoint5
Microsoft Access5
Microsoft Project4
Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express4
Powerpoint and Word are very easy so focus on them to get good marks.Practically,you'll be using Excel the most and it has also been given the most syllabus weightage so give it alot of time,especially the Menu Bar.Moderate knowledge of XP is okay but it's better to have extensive knowledge of Office,at least of Word,Excel and Powerpoint.It is much easier to gain marks in the practical than in the IT theory paper.I have got some downloaded material for CCPT,if you want to use it,email me and I will forward it to you.Good luck!