06-25-2011, 05:00 PM
i think we should behave....if we are really professionals.........we should not bother.........because.......icap....is pakistani body...and obviously he will not allow any other foreign body.....to push him on the side line...........think with different mind.....eg;(their r approx 1000 new affiliates every year....and more than 1500 students passing cat each year you can imagine the future supply of ACCAs in pakistan.....and can also imagine the marginal value of each new ACCA affiliate.......reduction in exemption to ACCA students by icap will decrease the number of enrollment in ACCA....WITH SOME %age..........I agree KAMRAN bhai used lit bit discouraging statements ......but budy he is one of most senior accountant......we should behave........if we r professionals .........