11-16-2004, 06:13 PM
Hi Rafay,, if you are not a British national you will have to arrange a work visa (there is a special categoery for training purposes)to get a contract in an accounting firm in the UK.. since you have A levels you will before the contract need to pass ICAEW's Foundation exam or complete a British Graduate degree (and then pass the residual papers of ICAEW foundation). You do stand a better chance of getting a contract if you get a British degree, most firms have a specific number of seats for outstanding 'overseas students'.
I must tell you that the UK market is very competitive as far as getting traning contracts. I myslef tried for one (around 5 years ago ) but was turned down by the bigger firms on 'visa' constraints and the the smaller ones on grounds of not having 'appropriate openings'.
Perhaps our UK based members could help you with more accurate information. You could also visit ICAEW's official site and correspond with them on a one to one basis.
"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311
I must tell you that the UK market is very competitive as far as getting traning contracts. I myslef tried for one (around 5 years ago ) but was turned down by the bigger firms on 'visa' constraints and the the smaller ones on grounds of not having 'appropriate openings'.
Perhaps our UK based members could help you with more accurate information. You could also visit ICAEW's official site and correspond with them on a one to one basis.
"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311