12-05-2004, 09:53 PM
Ok Guybrush
For you only. i will go and buy a non alcoholic beer today, just to read the lable to find out the exect content level. But would you mind If i drink it later on?
If you want to go real drowsy, then apple juice is the best. When you drink it, you can literally smell the alcoholic contents and had one glass of it and one feels like a race horse ready to rock and roll.
Cant say about Saudi Arabia, When you visit London next time I suggest you go to Edgware Road, you will find Arabs with "Tashbi" in one hand and beer in the other.
Even the foreign stuff we buy in bazaars, did we ever read the label to ascertain the contents. There are products being sold in our bazaars with ingredients ranging from Beta carotine to the crushed powder drived from pigs bones.
For you only. i will go and buy a non alcoholic beer today, just to read the lable to find out the exect content level. But would you mind If i drink it later on?
If you want to go real drowsy, then apple juice is the best. When you drink it, you can literally smell the alcoholic contents and had one glass of it and one feels like a race horse ready to rock and roll.
Cant say about Saudi Arabia, When you visit London next time I suggest you go to Edgware Road, you will find Arabs with "Tashbi" in one hand and beer in the other.
Even the foreign stuff we buy in bazaars, did we ever read the label to ascertain the contents. There are products being sold in our bazaars with ingredients ranging from Beta carotine to the crushed powder drived from pigs bones.