04-10-2008, 10:01 PM
I agree to what accountingunlimited has said. Similar training oppurtunities can make a professional acceptable for the industry but the gap of 10 years against 50 years has to remain as it is becoz after further 50 years, this gap would be of 60 against 100. This cannot be ignored.
As far as jobs are concerned still ACCAs are finding jobs in Pakistan. My point has always been to explain that there is difference in the level of such jobs when compared with CAs and if somebody ha sto make a good effort then why not should he make the effort for the best. This difference is a fact and there is little point for any one to debate on the ground reality. Factors have been discussed in above post with which I agree.
Dear 4thelement,
My brother I have to occupy only one job that I am doing and I have no current plans to move. I have no grouse on any other professional and have no monoplistic issues with any other qualification or professional as no one is going to affect me even if I don't go for ICAEW's CA. I just explained what I felt true and fair regarding the future positioning of CAs and others in response to what has been asked from me. If on speaking the truth you conclude that my approach is monoplistic then I cannot do anything for you.
You know same conclusion was given by others and even by you. More specifically where you advised others to leave Pakistan.
My question is, if I am not much affected even if I don't go for ICAEW's membership (I can go for it, it's merely a matter of choice but not a limitation), then why my friends doing ACCA feel that they would be much affected unless they get ICAEW's membership or else. This very feeling embedded in your minds is a driving force for people like me to stregthen their ideas further, which have been expressed. Why ACCAs feel theirselves all alone in the world without getting CA qualifications.
Please don't feel hurt. This is a truth. Most of ACCAs feel that they will find a place only when they will get CA qualification as well. If this is a reality then why not to do CA straightforwardly. This is the focus area.
Yes, in my view it is good to have more qualifications. But this should not be caused merely by the reason that one's qualification is not supposed to make him capable to compete in the market. I am not discussing here that how much efficient some body could be and how much could be the personal capabilities. I am talking about career oppurtunities. For raising one's profile this could be a good option but if it is to be done for having a place in the market, then why don't we do at the outset which can lead to a better result.
I feel you will not get my point. But I hope for this to be understood by the readers.
I have all the regards and best wishes for you and in fact whatever I say is to make you people to have a right choice. If some one feels that what I say is incorrect, he/she is always there to make his/her own choice. Can I change any body's final decisions. However, yes, I can say what I feel true and I will keep on doing so.
Don't mind my words. You all are like my brothers.
Best regards,
I agree to what accountingunlimited has said. Similar training oppurtunities can make a professional acceptable for the industry but the gap of 10 years against 50 years has to remain as it is becoz after further 50 years, this gap would be of 60 against 100. This cannot be ignored.
As far as jobs are concerned still ACCAs are finding jobs in Pakistan. My point has always been to explain that there is difference in the level of such jobs when compared with CAs and if somebody ha sto make a good effort then why not should he make the effort for the best. This difference is a fact and there is little point for any one to debate on the ground reality. Factors have been discussed in above post with which I agree.
Dear 4thelement,
My brother I have to occupy only one job that I am doing and I have no current plans to move. I have no grouse on any other professional and have no monoplistic issues with any other qualification or professional as no one is going to affect me even if I don't go for ICAEW's CA. I just explained what I felt true and fair regarding the future positioning of CAs and others in response to what has been asked from me. If on speaking the truth you conclude that my approach is monoplistic then I cannot do anything for you.
You know same conclusion was given by others and even by you. More specifically where you advised others to leave Pakistan.
My question is, if I am not much affected even if I don't go for ICAEW's membership (I can go for it, it's merely a matter of choice but not a limitation), then why my friends doing ACCA feel that they would be much affected unless they get ICAEW's membership or else. This very feeling embedded in your minds is a driving force for people like me to stregthen their ideas further, which have been expressed. Why ACCAs feel theirselves all alone in the world without getting CA qualifications.
Please don't feel hurt. This is a truth. Most of ACCAs feel that they will find a place only when they will get CA qualification as well. If this is a reality then why not to do CA straightforwardly. This is the focus area.
Yes, in my view it is good to have more qualifications. But this should not be caused merely by the reason that one's qualification is not supposed to make him capable to compete in the market. I am not discussing here that how much efficient some body could be and how much could be the personal capabilities. I am talking about career oppurtunities. For raising one's profile this could be a good option but if it is to be done for having a place in the market, then why don't we do at the outset which can lead to a better result.
I feel you will not get my point. But I hope for this to be understood by the readers.
I have all the regards and best wishes for you and in fact whatever I say is to make you people to have a right choice. If some one feels that what I say is incorrect, he/she is always there to make his/her own choice. Can I change any body's final decisions. However, yes, I can say what I feel true and I will keep on doing so.
Don't mind my words. You all are like my brothers.
Best regards,