01-22-2005, 03:27 AM
Hi everyone.
Well i what i would like to know is which is the ultimate accountancy body to honor a student with the "Chartered Accountant" (CA) designation in the UK. What i mean to say is that which is the most most poplular and renowned body which has its hold over the market. I am only aware of "ACCA". I mean for a person to be designated as a Chartered Accountant is there any other body in the UK which is bigger, more popular and having more market value in UK and abroad other then ACCA, or is it best.
Are you designated as a "Chartered Accountant" after completing the professional ACCA course. And if your ultimate goal is to become a Finance Manager, then is ACCA helpful along with some other finance qualification (say MBA majoring in Finance) or should you directly stick to a finance qulafication without ACCA.
Hoping to hear from someone soon. Please forgive me for my ignorance, but i beleive this is the best place with the best guys out there replying, so i thought of asking .
I will be eagerly awaiting ur replies.
Well i what i would like to know is which is the ultimate accountancy body to honor a student with the "Chartered Accountant" (CA) designation in the UK. What i mean to say is that which is the most most poplular and renowned body which has its hold over the market. I am only aware of "ACCA". I mean for a person to be designated as a Chartered Accountant is there any other body in the UK which is bigger, more popular and having more market value in UK and abroad other then ACCA, or is it best.
Are you designated as a "Chartered Accountant" after completing the professional ACCA course. And if your ultimate goal is to become a Finance Manager, then is ACCA helpful along with some other finance qualification (say MBA majoring in Finance) or should you directly stick to a finance qulafication without ACCA.
Hoping to hear from someone soon. Please forgive me for my ignorance, but i beleive this is the best place with the best guys out there replying, so i thought of asking .
I will be eagerly awaiting ur replies.