11-21-2003, 10:08 AM
Dear IAF
Well I think its not a bad choice to go for CAT after matric but its always better to have intermediate as well as B.Com in case u arent able to make it
2. The Oxford Brookes BSc Applied Accounting degree has only very recently been recognised by HEC(formerly UGC). Since this development no university in Pakistan should be turning you down. But again I would like to say that you should do your B.Com as well and not depend totally on the ACCA Degree.
3. As for ACCA's being knowns as Accountant Clerk, this is a very wrong concept that you have. ACCA happens to be one of the 7 recognised accounting bodies in the UK, hence how can anyone percieve it to be below CA. Yes no doubt that in Pakistan its a new thing and will take sometime to place stronger foothold but still ACCA's arent in any way less qualified or capable then CA's. This is eveident from that fact that even UNESCO voted ACCA's syllabus as being the most in line with the desirable standards for professional accountants. Second in this list was ICAEW followed by ICA of Australia and then Scotland. Its just a misperception and inshALLAH in due course of time(by the time u qualify) it will be gone and people in Pakistan, just like the rest of the developed world) regard it as equivalent to CA.
You see the reason why ACCA's arent given the same respect or preference here is that ACCA curriculum does not include the Pakistan Law and Tax versions and hence a CA from Pakistan is more aware of the laws and procedures.
4. I think you should read 3 again P.
In the end its your own decision, whoever advices you be it myself, smr or evolution or anyone else will give you their opinion and that may or may not be what you want. You should contact the ACCA office in your area and try to find out more about it. While you are at it visit the ICAP office as well as ICMAP's and once you have spoken to all and listened to all .. then make up your mind as to what you want to do. Anyhow best of luck and pray for us as well as your exams are very close.
Well I think its not a bad choice to go for CAT after matric but its always better to have intermediate as well as B.Com in case u arent able to make it
2. The Oxford Brookes BSc Applied Accounting degree has only very recently been recognised by HEC(formerly UGC). Since this development no university in Pakistan should be turning you down. But again I would like to say that you should do your B.Com as well and not depend totally on the ACCA Degree.
3. As for ACCA's being knowns as Accountant Clerk, this is a very wrong concept that you have. ACCA happens to be one of the 7 recognised accounting bodies in the UK, hence how can anyone percieve it to be below CA. Yes no doubt that in Pakistan its a new thing and will take sometime to place stronger foothold but still ACCA's arent in any way less qualified or capable then CA's. This is eveident from that fact that even UNESCO voted ACCA's syllabus as being the most in line with the desirable standards for professional accountants. Second in this list was ICAEW followed by ICA of Australia and then Scotland. Its just a misperception and inshALLAH in due course of time(by the time u qualify) it will be gone and people in Pakistan, just like the rest of the developed world) regard it as equivalent to CA.
You see the reason why ACCA's arent given the same respect or preference here is that ACCA curriculum does not include the Pakistan Law and Tax versions and hence a CA from Pakistan is more aware of the laws and procedures.
4. I think you should read 3 again P.
In the end its your own decision, whoever advices you be it myself, smr or evolution or anyone else will give you their opinion and that may or may not be what you want. You should contact the ACCA office in your area and try to find out more about it. While you are at it visit the ICAP office as well as ICMAP's and once you have spoken to all and listened to all .. then make up your mind as to what you want to do. Anyhow best of luck and pray for us as well as your exams are very close.